10 Reasons Not To Be Like Jax Teller of Sons of Anarchy

10 Reasons Not To Be Like Jax Teller of Sons of Anarchy


Jax teller

Jackson Nathaniel ‘Jax’ Teller is the hero on the most popular FX television series of the 21st century, Sons of Anarchy. I have a question for you. Do you really want to be like him, imitate him, date a guy like him, or marry him?

‘Anything is better than lies and deceit’. – Leo Tolstoy

‘If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.’ – Mark Twain

Jax took the easy route

Jax killed himself and took the easy route. Jax wanted to go legit and get his kids out of a life of crime. Jax could have done it. He could have seen himself in the mirror and changed.

sons of anarchy

Jax was a natural-born killer. Jax had anger issues. Ok, …work it through. Jax ends up killing more than 40 people. Therefore, the experience haunts him.

Jax’s leadership skills were questionable. A leader is fair, authentic, transparent, and a servant. After Jax takes over, the enemies of the club increase. Jax is rash in his decision-making.

jax teller

Jax never listened to his dad. He joins the same gang that resulted in the death of his father. His father leaves him with a set of rules to follow, to steer away from crime.

jax teller bike

Jax was a liar and betrayed Nero, Jury, and Unser. Nero was like a father figure to him. Jury was loyal and a leader of another group. Unser the head of police was loyal till the end and was dying of cancer.

jax teller actor

Jax was a lousy father. Jax exposed his children to a life of crime. Jax made bad choices, after that, Wendy ends up in a dangerous situation, and Abel not getting the life he deserved. Tara would not have been killed if they left Charming together.

jax teller actor

Jax was unfaithful. Jax Teller did not have an ounce of loyalty. He loved Tara. However, he is always looking for an excuse to have a one-night fling. He was not loyal to his friend Opie.

jax unfaithful

Jax chose the club over Tara. The club always came first. Even though he hated the life he was living. He never pursued the life he wanted with Tara.


For all his macho behavior, Jax was a mama’s boy. Gemma was an evil, conniving, controlling woman. Jax never confronts Gemma on her character. He ends up killing her.

jax the killer

Jax lost his father and brother at a young age. He finally finds out he has a half-sister. After that, he never builds a relationship with her.


While Sons of Anarchy makes for great television, how does Jax Teller play out in our lives and what are the consequences?

In order to have a balanced life, we need to deal with issues head-on. No use running away from it through drugs, booze, overeating, or watching too much TV, or porn. Get help no matter what the problem. There is always professional help available. Yes, it involves work, and yes, it is painful talking about our issues, but after talking about it and dealing with it you come out ahead.

drunk jAX

Has anger led you to road rage, hitting your wife and children? Has it led you to lose jobs, and careers, getting a raise and promotion? Are you alone and no one wants to be around because you are always angry or mad at someone? Get help.


In order to be a leader, we do not need titles. We are all leaders in how we carry ourselves daily. When we drive, are we obeying all the rules? At work, do we work hard and diligently? At home are we leading a life that our kids, brothers, sisters, parents, and kids want to follow?


There are times in life when we should just listen. Not talk. If someone is successful or doing something better than you and they are offering us advice, we better listen.


Show me someone who is a liar, unfaithful, deceitful, and betrays the trust of people and I will show you a lonely person. Speak the truth in love, be honest, take the high road and be loyal.

If you are a father, it is one of the most important roles in society. You will have a lifelong positive or negative impact on your children.

Be faithful to your husband or wife.

There will come a time when the company where you worked long hours and sacrificed everything will give you a pink slip or a package. You then return to an empty home. No use putting the job over family and other important things in your life. You will regret it later. Build a relationship with those who are important in your life. It could be your husband, wife, brother, sister, uncle, parents or your friends.

man with a rose

Jax Teller

Photo Credits: Allef Vinicius The Ride Academy  Thomas Gamstaetter  Sheri Hooley Jakob Owens Vanessa Serpas Tony Pham Oleg Yeltsov Kuma Kum Anton Danilov youssef naddam NeONBRAND frank mckenna Caroline Hernandez  Eric Ward

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