Are We There Yet Dad?

Are We There Yet Dad?

Black History Month is celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, while in the United Kingdom and Ireland it is observed in October.

Four Columns supports Black History Month and empowering women in the community.

Bobby Ray Jones Jr. is a professional basketball player, writer, and director. Jones was drafted by the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2006 NBA draft. In 2009, he played for the Portland Trail Blazers. He has played professionally in Italy for the last decade. Bobby is presently traveling all over the world with his daughter and has created a vlog, Are We There Yet Dad? I catch up with him and talk about fatherhood.

Bobby, let’s talk about Are We There Yet Dad. How did the project start and why travel with your daughter? Finally, what are you trying to teach through this vlog?

AWTYD? started because I’ve always been creative and loved to travel at an early age. Since Aaliyah was born, I’ve been playing professional basketball and it has kept me away from her 9 months out of the year. When I’m back in the summer, I always make an effort to have adventures set up for us. It started as Instagram posts and stories but it was only a matter of time before I combined the three loves of my life: storytelling, traveling, and my daughter and turn it into a travel vlog. I want to inspire other parents to travel more with their children, no matter domestically or internationally.

What has fatherhood taught you?

Fatherhood has taught me to be even more responsible and not take anything for granted. Unfortunately, I’m not with her mother and so I have learned patience to accept what I can control and not worry about what is not.

Tell me something that you went through, that changed you forever and how did you overcome it?

It’s been two years since I lost my mother to lung cancer. She was the most important figure in my life.  She made many sacrifices to give me the best life possible. Losing her was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. It wasn’t easy, but I have learned to slowly to move on without her. My mothers’ death motivated me, even more, to show my daughter the world and try to be the parent my mother was to me.

Help me understand what happened on the trip from Seattle to Vancouver?

My first time in Vancouver was three years ago with some friends and I had such an amazing time. Going to college at UW, I’ve always heard good things about Vancouver but to finally visit was way overdue. After doing some research, I decided to take my daughter to experience it on a family level. We spent the day visiting Coal Harbour and went zip lining on Grouse Mountain.

What has basketball taught you?

Basketball has taught me so many lessons that apply to the court and in life in general. Having a good work ethic, communication, how to handle adversity, sacrificing, and teamwork. I was blessed to receive a college scholarship, get drafted to the NBA, and play the last 10 seasons in Italy. Basketball gave me an advantage in life but it never defined me.

How important is food, faith, finance, and family to you?

Food, faith, finance, and family are all equally important. As a result, they need to be managed properly. Life is all about balance.  In other words, if you do not find balance, stress and anxiety occur. At one point or another, I have experienced both. I did not have priorities and I’m still learning. However, creating this travel vlog with my daughter helps me tremendously; it’s my free therapy! :-

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