Giving to Charity

Giving to Charity


Charity is to give to others that which belongs to you. Welcome to my series, How To Use Money To Make You Happier.


In the introduction section, I gave some stats and mentioned a few reasons for starting this series.

I am going to break this series into a couple of steps:

  1. Introduction
  2. Make SMART financial goals
  3. Create a budget
    1. Income
    2. Expenses
    3. Needs and wants
  4. Debts
    1. Difference between good and bad debt
    2. Pay off debt
    3. Use credit to your advantage
  5. Give to charity

What is Charity?

Charity is an organization that is set up to make a difference in society in many ways. The charity could be linked with the prevention of animal abuse, promotion of education, health, technology, or arts and culture.

No one has ever become poor by giving -Anne Frank

It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving – Mother Theresa

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed – Maya Angelou

charitable giving

Why Should I Give to Charity?

When I taught financial planning as a volunteer, one of the issues that most participants struggled with was giving to charity. A lot of students felt that it was only for the rich.

I strongly believe that giving to a charity of your choice is good for you.


Giving to charity is good for you emotionally, mentally and psychologically

When you help someone, it empowers you, you feel joyful, happier, and satisfied. If you are passionate about a cause, donate to it and make a difference. The biggest challenges facing us are being solved by charities, NGO’s, and not-for-profit organizations. Dunn and Norton explore in their book Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending, that the way you spend your money impacts your happiness much more than how much money you have or make.

Their research shows that the more you pursue money, the more you have no time for your health, eating properly, exercise, social interaction, and relationships.

happiness and charity

Giving to charity helps you make an impact, difference and increases your self worth

An example of a selfless act is donating. You get a great feeling when you give. You feel satisfied. Research has shown that the reason people remain in a cycle of low self-esteem is that they focus too much on themselves. You give your self-esteem a boost, by not focusing on yourself and by making a difference in the lives of others.

non profit organization

Do some research on how you can make a difference in your community:

  • See if there is a need for the relief effort in your city
  • Contact a local shelter to see how you can make a difference with your skillset
  • During the holidays buy a gift for a child or single mom
  • Go and help in the local food bank
  • Help in the local animal shelter
  • Donate your old clothes
  • Start a committee in your neighborhood and see how you can improve it.


Giving to charity helps the planet

Giving to charity makes the world a better place. The charity will use your funds or time to make a difference in society either through education, using better materials, or saving the environment. To reduce poverty, your charity might buy food, clothes, provide clean water or build a school or empower women to start a business and improve their standard of living.

charity navigator

Giving to charity makes a difference in the lives of the poor

We need to stop thinking that the poor are only in the third world. Charities exist to make a difference and empower people. The poor exist in our neighborhoods. These people cannot afford to educate their children, are unemployed, struggling with issues or just cannot hold on to a job. Your purpose is to help those in need and those that are close to you. You will be surprised even with a $1-dollar donation, how much of an impact you can have on the lives of people.

charitable giving

Giving to charity gives you peace of mind

When you help someone, you are empowered and have a piece of mind that you made a difference. Someone somewhere is having a meal because you donated. Someone is getting food because you volunteered at the food bank. Someone is successful because you were a big brother or big sister when they were teenagers. You made a difference. You were a gamechanger in the life of someone. No amount of money can buy that sense of satisfaction.

charitable donation

Giving to charity helps you spread justice

If you feel that you got a better education, excellent health benefits, a great job, and an amazing standard of living then it is natural to spread that. There are people born in certain countries who do not have access to the same standards of living. Their talent is wasted and their ambitions do not go fulfilled. Your donation can help spread justice and make it even.

charity rating

Giving to charity helps you set an example of unconditional love

By giving to charity you are setting an example for your family and those around you. They get inspired by your donation, volunteer work and get motivated to get involved. You are spreading the love in a society which is mired in materialism.  Society right now is craving for unconditional love, an emotion that is lacking in a self-focused world. You can show that unconditional love exists. Charity proves that humanity is present today.


Giving to charity makes you more grateful

It is easy to take everything for granted. Until you travel and see people live in dire conditions. Once you start giving your time and money you become grateful for what you have and stop comparing your life with other people.


On a personal level, I give to those charities that align with my goals, values, vision, and mission statement of my life. I would strongly recommend that you define and formulate your values. Look at the mission in your life and focus on the mission of the charity that you are giving.  Analyze the facts of the charity. Look at the annual reports. See the breakdown of the expenses and salaries. Do your research on corporate governance, board structure, benefits, communication, transparency, non-arms length transactions, and pork barrelling.

This is the last in the series of how to use the money to make you happier. Use the money to spread love and make a difference. Start small and see how it makes a huge difference in your life. Get in touch with me as to how this series has impacted you.

charitable giving


Photo Credits: Anes Sabitovic  Gian Cescon  Noah Silliman  Court Prather  Alex Radelich  Jon Tyson  Tom Parsons  Perry Grone  Joel & Jasmin FørestbirdGeorgia de Lotz

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22 thoughts on “Giving to Charity”

  • I completely agree that giving to charity is good on so many levels. I love the part about unconditional love and being grateful. There is something to be said about helping someone in need both in how it makes you feel and how it makes the person on the receiving end feel. Even the smallest amount of to someone else can be a game changer.

  • Ever since I read the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, the author made a good point in that when you give, the universe finds a way to give you back in return. It’s about the karma being built.

  • I couldn’t agree more about the value of giving. Not only do you get the satisfaction of knowing that you helped others, but it does have a way of coming back around. Pay it forward!

  • I have never done something for charity. Except I would give my old but in good condition clothes to the poors. Now I feel like I should do something more. 🙂

  • what a great series! I am a big believer in donating my time and knowledge, traveling and working for NGO’s opened my world to new places and new people. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  • Growing up I was always taught that giving to others is the best way to live ones life. I’ve tried to follow that train of thought but as it so often happens, life sometimes gets in the way and we revert back to living selfishly and narrow-mindedly.

    I’m so glad that I read this article because it is an excellent reminder that giving back is the best gift you can give yourself. When we choose to give charitably, we are reminded that, as humans, we are all in this together. Giving to one another connects us and that is so important.

    It is our duty to lend a hand to those in need, thanks for the reminder of this.

  • Giving to others is a foundational stone upon which we should all be building our lives. It will help to keep us strong in the ways you’ve mentioned in your article and it is the best way to help others when they cannot help themselves. Research your charities to make certain they align with what’s important in your own mind and beliefs and that the organization is truly using the money to help others.

  • These is a very insightful outline of all the opportunities for us to help the less fortunate. Thank you for the reminder of how important – and easy – it is to give to help those who need an extra hand up.

  • Giving to charity doesn’t only mean giving material goods or money. Giving of your time and talents is just as important. It’s great to donate food to the food bank, but helping at their monthly give away will give you a greater appreciation of how many people need the extra help. It’ll also help you realize how lucky you are.

  • Charity is such a fabulous work and doing it regularly gives so much peace to our mental health.

  • I can’t love this post enough, Jerry! Your points are spot on. I’ve always believed that we all have a responsibility to give back when we can. My husband and I do a lot around the holidays for local organizations and I love it. I feel incredible to help those in my community. I’ve been blessed with having everything I need, and hopefully my efforts help others get to that place as well.

  • Last year I donated nearly $1000 in total to various organizations and charities I believe in. I also donate platelets every two weeks, there’s no way to describe the feeling of satisfaction you get knowing that you’re making a positive difference in a stranger’s life

  • I fully believe that my charitable involvement has made a considerable difference in who I am as a person. It has opened my eyes and helped me to see the world in a different light.

  • This is such an important post. I am teaching my sons about the importance of volunteering and charity. Not only to help others, but to help you develop compassion and caring for others. It feels pretty amazing to know you have helped others, too.

  • I give a lot to the animal rescues I work with – my time AND money! I want to make sure animals have good homes and want for nothing.

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