Miracle foods that protect you from diseases

Our cooking, eating, drinking and shopping habits have been reshaped by COVID-19. Personal health comes first always. As we continue to cook more at home and have meals with our families, these activities have a positive impact on us.
Miracle foods are the buzz word. Quinoa, acai berry, chia seeds, and coconut oil are the rage. Americans diagnosed with three persistent ailments nearly doubled since 1995. The rate of infant mortality has increased and life expectancy has decreased in the US. In the 1970s, one in 25,000 American children were born with autism. One in 88 children born in the US now has autism. From 1980 to 2010, there has been a 176 percent increase in Type 2 diabetes. The total costs of diagnosed diabetes in the US in 2017 was $327 billion, $237 billion for direct medical cost and $90 billion in reduced productivity. The occurrence of celiac disease is four times more common now than in the 60s.
This is my list of 19 miracle foods that work wonders for our bodies. They are functional that calm the mind, soothe stress, and strengthen the immune system.
There is no love sincerer than the love of food – George Bernard Shaw
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world – J.R.R. Tolkien
I like almonds as a snack – keeps your energy up but doesn’t fill you up – Ina Garten
Almonds are considered as a miracle food because it contains fiber, protein, mono-saturated fat, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, phosphorus, and antioxidants. Antioxidants help the cells in the body to fight against cancer, aging, and inflammation. Vitamin E helps the body against heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. I personally buy them with the skin on and eat it raw.
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree – Martin Luther
Apples contain vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The cancer-fighting quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, flavonols, anthocyanins, chlorogenic acid, and epicatechnin are in apples. Apples help in regulating blood sugar and protect the neurons.
I personally prefer eating a whole apple and when Jean was young used to cut them and give it to her with honey. I drink a glass of apple cider daily.
The avocado is a food without rival among the fruits, the veritable fruit of paradise – David Fairchild
Avocados are extraordinary among fruits as they contain healthy fats, a variety of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins K, C, B5, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and contain more potassium than bananas. Potassium reduces the blood pressure in the body, which is linked to kidney failure, strokes, and heart attacks. The fiber in avocados is good for metabolic health, fighting cancer, and keep eyes healthy. In the summer months, I just scoop the flesh from ripe avocados and eat them.
There are eyes, to be sure, that give no more admission into the man than blueberries – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Listen to your broccoli and it will tell you how to eat it – Anne Lamott
Broccoli is considered a miracle food because it comes packed with vitamin K, C, B-6, folate, phosphorus, potassium, and manganese. The phytochemicals in Broccoli reduce your risk for dementia, breast cancer, and heart disease. I boil, saute and bake broccoli.
Bananas protect you against blindness, diabetes, cancer, combat depression and deal with hangovers. Bananas contain tryptophan which helps in dealing with depression. The calcium helps with bones. Vitamin B-6 helps to reduce inflammation. Bananas act as a prebiotic and help the body in absorbing nutrients. Bananas are a natural antacid. I eat a banana daily.
Cabbage: A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man’s head – Ambrose Bierce
Cabbage was a key food intake to prevent type 2 diabetes in a study in Denmark. The various phenols and flavonoids are antioxidants that decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sinigrin helps in preventing colon, prostate and bladder cancer. The vitamins, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and fiber act as a detoxifier, have anti-inflammatory properties, support the digestive tract, reduce blood pressure, gives your body a huge boost in terms of immunity, promotes good eye health and helps in healing. I use cabbage in salads.
Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is lean protein and needed for a healthy metabolism and to maintain muscle mass. It is low in sodium, fat and has a zero glycemic load and is considered a low-carb food. Niacin, phosphorus, selenium and vitamin B6 is in the breast of a chicken,
When you eat chicken breast in healthy portions, it controls the homocysteine amino acid levels which are good for your heart. The phosphorus is good for your kidney, liver, nervous system, teeth, and bones. Selenium works wonders for your metabolic system which includes immune, hormone and thyroid functions. Niacin guards you against DNA damage and cancer. I grill chicken, roast, bake and even put the breast of chicken in a slow pot with vegetables and eat it.
Dark Chocolate
White chocolate. Intense, sweet. But not deep. Okay for prom dates or flings, but not to get serious. Milk chocolates are guys you could date for like a few months, and dark chocolates are for love – E. Lockhart
Dark chocolate has copper, magnesium, iron, fiber, manganese, and cocoa is good for mood, skin, brain and cardiovascular health. Flavanols in cocoa are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and help protect the skin from the sun. Theobromine improves your mood, functioning of the brain and helps with mental clarity. Anandamide creates a positive mood and a feeling of bliss while Phenethylamine helps with the release of dopamine. Serotonin helps with fatigue and getting better sleep. I personally like Lindt’s dark chocolates. I eat three to four pieces a day. Also, try dark chocolates flavored with salt or chilies.
Eggs are one of my all-time favorite foods, and making the over-easy egg is a test of skill – Wylie Dufresne
Chicken eggs are the Jack of all trades in terms of having every nutrient you need. I like the omega-3 eggs. Eggs have a positive influence on HDL, the good cholesterol. Eggs contain choline which helps the brain function better. As we age, our eyesight gets worse. The lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that help the retina become stronger. The proteins and amino acids in eggs help the body function better.
Fatty Fish
All fats do not behave the same way in your body, and certain fats, including the omega-3 fats in salmon and other fatty fish and the monounsaturated fats in nuts, virgin olive oil, and avocados, are integral to a healthy diet – Harley Pasternak
Trout, sardines, herring, mackerel, tuna, and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids which do wonders for your heat. Omega-3 fatty acids lower the triglycerides in your blood. I personally grill or steam these fishes.
Garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, handled correctly – Anthony Bourdain
Since the beginning of time, soldiers and slaves have been fed garlic to keep them in shape. Garlic is good for preventing infections, cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Garlic boosts your immune system, beats inflammation and helps with cold sores. Add chopped garlic to everything and let the allicin go to work for you.
Lean Steak
A lean cut like round steak, shoulder steak and flank has iron, vitamin B-12, coenzyme Q10 and enough protein for your body. The vitamin plays a major role in red blood cell production. Grill your lean steak with garlic.
Everyone should wake up and have a fresh-squeezed orange every day. By having a fresh glass of orange juice with American oranges, you are supporting the local economy, you have all the vitamin C you need in a day, and you support the environment because you don’t use any plastic from bottles or bags – Jose Andres
Oranges have phytochemicals, that protect you from colon, stomach, breast, lung and skin cancer. Orange juice should be consumed in moderation to prevent kidney stones, lower cholesterol and help the heart in its daily functions. Vitamin C protects cells. The vitamin A protects you from macular degeneration, magnesium maintains blood pressure and beta-carotene protects the skin. I use orange juice to make fruit smoothies.
Sometimes you’ve just got to grab an apple – or grapes, or strawberries. Something that’s healthy but maybe a little bit more adventurous, if you can see fruit as adventurous – LL Cool J
If you have a craving for sugar candy or some other sweets, give strawberry a try. Strawberries contain anthocyanins, phenol, ellagitannin and a whole bunch of phytonutrients. Anthocyanins protect the cells, phenol protects the heart and ellagitannin protects you from developing certain kinds of cancers. I use strawberries in smoothies and with vanilla ice cream.
Sweet Potatoes
Purchase items that can be made into several meals, like a whole roasted chicken, or a bag of sweet potatoes, and shop the periphery of the grocery store, avoiding the middle aisles full of processed and higher-priced foods – Cat Cora
Sweet Potatoes has vitamin A, potassium. Magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, fiber and fiber. I recommend having fries with the skin on as the beta-carotene does wonder for your eyes, vitamin E protects you from colds, Vitamin A is good for your complexion, vitamin B keeps you strong and the fiber is good for your digestive tract.
Here’s an idea: let’s get over ourselves, buy a cherry pie, and go fall in love with life – Tom Robbins
Cherries are my favorite fruit because it has a very low glycemic index of 22, the lowest among fruits. Cherries have melatonin, which helps you get your beauty sleep. Cherries also is the king among fruits with the highest level of antioxidants. Cherries are good if you have arthritis, gout attacks or swelling.
The king of all spices. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, good for your brains, prevents cancer, fights depression and regulates blood pressure.
Red Wine
Red wine looks and tastes like a liquified beefsteak – James Joyce
Red wine contains resveratrol which helps the blood vessels and prevents blood clots. Resveratrol protects against Alzheimer’s and quercetin works against cancer. I strongly recommend that you do not drink more than one glass a day.
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Photo Credits: chuttersnap Shelley Pauls twinsfisch andrew welch Reinaldo Kevin Giorgio Trovato Noble Brahma Jarritos Mexican Soda Monika Grabkowska 青 晨 Micheile Henderson team voyas Eugene Luke Michael Ella Olsson Thomas Q Dani Rendina
This is a very informative and helpful post. I’m trying to change the way I am eating so I will have to come back to this again!
Really amazing post that you have here thanks for sharing it
Great list of healthy foods. Thankfully, I eat some of those foods almost every day. I’ve always loved broccoli since I was a kid.
Thanks Sam.
Continue to eat healthy.
Loved the list! Glad most of it is not just healthy but yummy to eat too 🙋♀️
Thank you
Great list, and the great thing is that I love most of the foods on here!
Great list! Definitely sharing this one with my friends and best part is, they’re gonna love me for it.
I hope I can see much more of this.
Great post and lot’s of my favorite foods. Very informative!
Thank you for sharing this! I am really trying to get my family eating healthier. It is encouraging to see my toddler will actually eat most of these. We need to do more fish though, so that is something to work on. Thank you!
I’m a super picky eater but a lot of these foods are things I could eat. Maybe that should be would eat. Thank you for this helpful list.
There are many health benefits that we can get from foods. This has been proven through the years.
Adding to that, many of the foods that you mentioned have anti-inflammatory properties due to the high content of antioxidants, therefore, they are good to reduce pain too.
I eat blueberries every single day – good for me, haha!