Tag: #children

Praneet Kaur: Leaving an Abusive Marriage

Praneet Kaur: Leaving an Abusive Marriage

Praneet Kaur is a successful recruitment consultant who talks about leaving an abusive marriage and building a life for herself. I admire her for her tenacity, her will, fortitude to rise and create a successful career. Praneet Kaur shows us that there is light at 

Volunteer: To Whom Much Is Given Much is expected

Volunteer: To Whom Much Is Given Much is expected

Volunteering is an act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor for community service. It is an act of giving yourself for the greater needs of the community. I talk to Taras Kulish a lawyer in the charity sector about volunteering. Taras 

Secrets to Successful Parenting

Secrets to Successful Parenting

Parenting is not easy. Becoming a parent is one of the toughest things I have done in my life. It is also the most fulfilling thing I have done in my life. I am the father of a teenager. It does not come with a 

Top Ten Parenting Tips

Top Ten Parenting Tips

Single parenting, co-parenting, helicopter parenting, authoritative parenting, controlling parenting, and permissive parenting are the different styles of parenting. If you think you have arrived in life try getting married. A spouse is like a mirror, a lot of your faults get exposed. If after marriage 

Poverty Alleviation: The Future Muhammad Yunus

Poverty Alleviation: The Future Muhammad Yunus

Rochelle is presently pursuing her master’s degree and focuses on spending her time on poverty alleviation in the world. Rochelle, thanks for being willing to be interviewed on my blog regarding Millennials. Please tell my audience a little about you. My name is Rochelle and