Tag: #chutney

Gowri Nataraj: South Indian Food Through the eyes of an Artist

Gowri Nataraj: South Indian Food Through the eyes of an Artist

Gowri Nataraj has a unique IG profile and YouTube channel focusing on South Indian food. It is a different take on food. I talk to her about her thought process behind her creative ideas. Gowri welcome to my blog and I want to know something 

Girish Minocha: Producing Delicious Vegan Products

Girish Minocha: Producing Delicious Vegan Products

I have a deep respect for Girish Minocha. He is humble, down to earth, spiritual, aware of his surroundings, and believes in giving back to society. Girish Minocha started his business, knocking door to door to build clients. He graduated from one of the best engineering