Tag: #empowerment

Zenovia Shaw: The Definition of Wisdom

Zenovia Shaw: The Definition of Wisdom

February is Black History Month. I talk to Zenovia Shaw, a game-changer in society with her love for her family, her people, and her country. Zenovia, welcome to my series on Women With Wisdom. Please tell my audience something about you? My name is Zenovia 

Ronita Goswami: Blogger and Wanderlust

Ronita Goswami: Blogger and Wanderlust

Ronita Goswami is a writer by profession and by passion. She considers herself to be an introvert, a bookworm, a fitness enthusiast, a perfectionist who likes to have all her ducks in a row. Discipline is important to her. “Recently, more specifically over the last 

Captain Vivek Bhasin

Captain Vivek Bhasin

Meet Captain Vivek Bhasin. I love his style of writing, eclectic style of dress, Mick Jagger’ joie de vivre, and fathomless, ardent love for his alma mater. We both went to a British boarding school, both of us were Lefroyans, he settles in Sweden, I 

Creative Leadership

Creative Leadership

Chris Vacher is an executive pastor, site, and services and talks about creative leadership at Sanctus and about his own life. Chris tell my global audience a little about you. I know your blog audience is global so it’s probably important to say I’m Canadian!