Tag: #familylaw

Divorce Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation involves a good-faith negotiation between two parties and an experienced mediator who assists them in reaching an agreement during a fair process. If two spouses cannot agree on issues concerning their divorce or separation, a mediator can help them resolve these matters out 

Why you need a will

Why you need a will

“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin The truth is that being human, we are mortal, hence I strongly recommend a will, and it has the following benefits: – It is you who decides how your 

Divorce From a Financial Perspective

Divorce From a Financial Perspective

Few events in life can be as profound and challenging as a divorce. It is one of the most painful and emotional experiences. You get angry, lonely, anxious, bitter, and desperate. Your identity is at stake and it can shake the very foundation of your