Tag: #inspire

Practice Intentional Living

Practice Intentional Living

Kylie is a personal trainer, fitness nutritionist specialist, and mother. She is a firm believer in women empowering themselves and to practice intentional living. This intentional living is a blessing that gives you the power to nourish your body and soul and to thrive with 

Mayple Dorrington: Finding the Meaning of Life

Mayple Dorrington: Finding the Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? I have known Mayple Dorrington since I started my career at Scotia Bank. Mayple was Director, Communications and Change Management at Scotia Bank.  Mayple recently wrote a book called Finding: the Oasis in my Soul. It is a journal, 

Dr. Barbara Green: Shero Nation

Dr. Barbara Green: Shero Nation

I love the word shero. Grammarly, Microsoft Word, and many dictionaries do not have it in their lexicon. The urban dictionary defines it as a man or woman who supports and respects women’s issues and rights. Women continue to face reticent foes across their path 

Creative Leadership

Creative Leadership

Chris Vacher is an executive pastor, site, and services and talks about creative leadership at Sanctus and about his own life. Chris tell my global audience a little about you. I know your blog audience is global so it’s probably important to say I’m Canadian!