Tag: love

Helping people find their dream

Helping people find their dream

We all need help in our lives. Life is full of challenges. No one escapes it. I truly believe that everything that happens to us is ten percent. Ninety percent depends on if you get up and face the reality of life. For many of 

Linda Breedlove: Be A Rebel On Purpose

Linda Breedlove: Be A Rebel On Purpose

Be a rebel on purpose. When you think of a rebellious person, what comes to your mind? The dictionary has about 45 synonyms for the word rebellious. Fractious, anarchistic, bellicose, difficult, refractory, and seditious are some of the synonyms. The autonyms for rebellious are happy, 

Top Ten Parenting Tips

Top Ten Parenting Tips

Single parenting, co-parenting, helicopter parenting, authoritative parenting, controlling parenting, and permissive parenting are the different styles of parenting. If you think you have arrived in life try getting married. A spouse is like a mirror, a lot of your faults get exposed. If after marriage 

Swimming in the Ocean

Swimming in the Ocean

Laura Smith is the creator behind Laurasbooksandblogs. For her Blogtober 2020 series, she asked for collaboration essays on travel, parenting, entertainment, and experiences. I wrote about what it is like to swim in the ocean.  

Niloo: A Winners Mindset

Niloo: A Winners Mindset

No matter how you define success, your mindset is an important factor in achieving it.  Your mindset will determine whether you are successful or not. A robust and positive mindset is fundamental to establishing flourishing self-esteem. It is a framework that influences our beliefs, feelings, 

Canada’s Dad Influencers

Canada’s Dad Influencers

Casey Palmer is one of Canada’s most influential blogger and the creator behind Casey Palmer, Canadian Dad – Consistently Inconsistent. Casey has included Four Columns among his list of Canadian Dad Influencers – The Dads Out There Telling Their Stories. I am grateful to be 

Empowering Stay-at-Home Moms

Empowering Stay-at-Home Moms

I admire stay-at-home-moms. They have one of the most important jobs in the world. William Wallace in his famous poem talks about the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Do we give enough credit to stay-at-home moms?  Do we give 

Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering

Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering

A Valuable Lesson on Hope Carolyn Gerber Hofauer created a meal train for us in April of this year. I love to volunteer, love to give, and for the first time in my life, I am on the receiving end. Gerry Bell challenged me to 

Betsy Kerekes: Ten of my favorite tips from 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage

Betsy Kerekes: Ten of my favorite tips from 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage

In a few weeks, I will be completing 19 years of marriage. I do not have a formula but do have tips on marriage. On the day of my marriage, if you would have told me that within five years, five men in my wedding 

Sara Felushko: Registered Professional Counsellor (CANADA)

Sara Felushko: Registered Professional Counsellor (CANADA)

Introduction Over the last eight months, as I take care of Debbie as she battles cancer, I get a lot of compliments. Oh, Jerry, you are so patient, kind, gentle, compassionate, such a great father, we only wish more men were…….. I smile because most