Tag: #mentalhealth

Helping people find their dream

Helping people find their dream

We all need help in our lives. Life is full of challenges. No one escapes it. I truly believe that everything that happens to us is ten percent. Ninety percent depends on if you get up and face the reality of life. For many of 

Sara Felushko: Registered Professional Counsellor (CANADA)

Sara Felushko: Registered Professional Counsellor (CANADA)

Introduction Over the last eight months, as I take care of Debbie as she battles cancer, I get a lot of compliments. Oh, Jerry, you are so patient, kind, gentle, compassionate, such a great father, we only wish more men were…….. I smile because most 

First Break: Bipolar Depression

First Break: Bipolar Depression

Bipolar depression is serious and should not be ignored. I was born in India and at a very young age my parents moved to Dubai. I did my undergrad and masters in two different countries of Europe. I presently live in Canada, which is the 

Jamie Weil: Advocate For Youth Mental Health

Jamie Weil: Advocate For Youth Mental Health

As a society, we have to focus on youth mental health for our own future. “I need help, I have a mental illness‘. That was the shriek from someone on Facebook, I have known for nearly three decades. Her husband had left her along with 

Resilience & Stress Management

Resilience & Stress Management

What is Resilience? Resilience is how well people deal with and bounce back from the challenges of life. Resilience is the process of adjusting positively as you face challenges, tragedy, adversity, threats, and major sources of stress like job loss, divorce, financial issues, health problems, 

Chris Mitchell talks about anxiety

Chris Mitchell talks about anxiety

Two years after graduating from high school, one of my closest friends committed suicide. I had never dealt with it. I got caught up in university, climbing the corporate ladder and on the performance treadmill. On my 10th wedding anniversary, as I am having a 



Self-care for women involves taking intentional actions to prioritize and maintain their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It’s important to note that self-care is a personal and individualized concept, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Regular Exercise: Engage in 

Poverty Alleviation: The Future Muhammad Yunus

Poverty Alleviation: The Future Muhammad Yunus

Rochelle is presently pursuing her master’s degree and focuses on spending her time on poverty alleviation in the world. Rochelle, thanks for being willing to be interviewed on my blog regarding Millennials. Please tell my audience a little about you. My name is Rochelle and 

How to Deal With a Friends Suicide

How to Deal With a Friends Suicide

Quotes on suicide Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem – Phil Donahue You’ll seldom experience regret for anything that you’ve done. It is what you haven’t done that will torment you. The message, therefore, is clear. Do it! Develop an appreciation for