Tag: #mindset

Tiny Habits

Tiny Habits

Tiny Habits, Massive Results is a phrase that emphasizes the power of making small, consistent changes in our habits to achieve significant and long-lasting results. The concept was popularized by Stanford behavior scientist Dr. BJ Fogg, who developed the Tiny Habits® method. The premise behind 

11 Habits that will transform and empower you

11 Habits that will transform and empower you

I have listed habits that will transform and empower you in the new year. To empower someone, Collins English Dictionary defines to give them the means to achieve something, for example, to become more successful or stronger. Cambridge Dictionary defines empowering someone to become confident 

Getting Unstuck: How To Become Happier

Getting Unstuck: How To Become Happier

Stuck means you are in a situation that is unfortunate that you cannot get out of. Unstuck is the process and framework of getting out of that unfortunate situation. The synonyms for stuck include: frozen, jammed, lodged, set, tight, wedged, and snug. There are certain 

Practice Intentional Living

Practice Intentional Living

Kylie is a personal trainer, fitness nutritionist specialist, and mother. She is a firm believer in women empowering themselves and to practice intentional living. This intentional living is a blessing that gives you the power to nourish your body and soul and to thrive with 

How Coaching Improves Performance

How Coaching Improves Performance

Ricardo Lopes is an award-winning author, speaker, trainer, and coach at Advanced Leadership. Advanced Leadership is a creative and enthusiastic group that’s passionate about empowering businesses, and the people in them, to meet with greater success. It lends expertise and support in communications, training, employee engagement, 

Amina Mohamed: Making a Difference

Amina Mohamed: Making a Difference

Amina Mohamed is a game-changer. Four Columns is always on the lookout for game-changers who are empowering women. Amina Mohamed is the embodiment of a game-changer. She is passionate about making a difference in the lives of young girls in Uganda. She has taken the 

Mayple Dorrington: Finding the Meaning of Life

Mayple Dorrington: Finding the Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? I have known Mayple Dorrington since I started my career at Scotia Bank. Mayple was Director, Communications and Change Management at Scotia Bank.  Mayple recently wrote a book called Finding: the Oasis in my Soul. It is a journal, 

Niloo: A Winners Mindset

Niloo: A Winners Mindset

No matter how you define success, your mindset is an important factor in achieving it.  Your mindset will determine whether you are successful or not. A robust and positive mindset is fundamental to establishing flourishing self-esteem. It is a framework that influences our beliefs, feelings, 

Resilience & Stress Management

Resilience & Stress Management

What is Resilience? Resilience is how well people deal with and bounce back from the challenges of life. Resilience is the process of adjusting positively as you face challenges, tragedy, adversity, threats, and major sources of stress like job loss, divorce, financial issues, health problems, 

Creative Leadership

Creative Leadership

Chris Vacher is an executive pastor, site, and services and talks about creative leadership at Sanctus and about his own life. Chris tell my global audience a little about you. I know your blog audience is global so it’s probably important to say I’m Canadian!