Tag: #personalgrowth

Sakshi Shrivastava: Digital Curry

Sakshi Shrivastava: Digital Curry

I admire Sakshi Shrivastava. Sakshi Shrivastava talks openly about her mental health and deals with it. Sakshi Shrivastava is real, vulnerable, unguarded, and answers without a stitch. Is it any wonder that she has more than 30,000 followers on Linkedin? Recently, a senior manager of 

Getting Unstuck: How To Become Happier

Getting Unstuck: How To Become Happier

Stuck means you are in a situation that is unfortunate that you cannot get out of. Unstuck is the process and framework of getting out of that unfortunate situation. The synonyms for stuck include: frozen, jammed, lodged, set, tight, wedged, and snug. There are certain