Tag: yogi

Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Nirmala Srivastava founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970. During meditation, seekers experience self-realization. Sahaja is a Sanskrit term consisting of ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘ja’ is ‘born’. In the Buddhist dictionary, it is ‘innate, denoting the natural presence of enlightenment or purity’. Dr. Girish Gupta, a 

24 astonishing benefits of yoga, meditation and mindfulness

24 astonishing benefits of yoga, meditation and mindfulness

I have been to every state and province of central and northern India. I have met many Yogis and have seen some of them standing for days in a certain position. What is Yoga? What are all the Yoga poses, Hatha Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Hot