The True Meaning of Christmas: Less Presents – More Presence

The True Meaning of Christmas: Less Presents – More Presence

The true meaning of Christmas can vary depending on individual beliefs and cultural interpretations. For many people, Christmas is a Christian religious holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time for Christians to reflect on the significance of Jesus’ birth and the message of peace and goodwill that is associated with his life.

However, Christmas has also become a widely celebrated cultural and secular holiday in many parts of the world. For many people, it is a time for family gatherings, gift-giving, acts of kindness, and spreading joy. It often involves traditions such as decorating Christmas trees, exchanging presents, and sharing festive meals.

In essence, the true meaning of Christmas is subjective and can be deeply personal. For some, it is a religious observance, while for others, it is a time for expressing love, generosity, and kindness. Ultimately, the meaning of Christmas is shaped by the values and beliefs of the individuals and communities celebrating it.

Jonathan Manafo talks about the true meaning of Christmas.

Jonathan Manafo is The Village pastor. He is a husband, a father, a friend, a neighbor, and a follower of Jesus. He hopes that every day he’s a little better at it than the day before. He loves his family, his community, and God’s world.


Jonathan, please tell my audience a little about you.

I am a husband, a dad, a neighbor, a pastor, a musician, a writer, and hopefully a good friend. I love spending time with the people I love. I write and play music, it’s a long-time passion of mine. I enjoy golf, cycling, and sports of all kinds. When it’s all said and done, may others simply see me as a person who loved, who gave, and who lived a full life. 

Why did you decide to become a minister?

I didn’t choose…it chose me. In my mid to late teen years, I felt God might be leading me to at least prepare to be in pastoral ministry. (Note the difference, we all have some way to minister and serve, mine happens to be pastoring, among other things). I was accepted into a linguistics program at Concordia University. I was 100 students away from registering for my first set of classes and just knew I had to do something else. I left the line and began thinking about how I would go about this vocational calling in my life. Becoming a pastor was always gradual for me. Always felt like if God wanted to use me in this way, opportunities would arise. They did, I walked into them, and here we are, over 20 years later.

Share a little about the village and what you want to accomplish.

The Village is a church community in Whitby that is discovering what it means to love God, love others, and make the world better. We started 6 years ago with a hand full of people. We are now well over 100. We simply want to be a fresh expression of the local church where people who need to discover Jesus can do so alongside other people who are discovering Jesus. The Village wants to be connected in our communities – helping, loving, being present and being Jesus. I feel at home in my church community. Being part of a church like The Village makes me better.

During Xmas, we focus on shopping, stress about meeting people, and all these expectations. Explain what it is all about and the true meaning of Christmas.

I think we all know that Christmas is more than gifts, spending, and hectic schedules. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being generous with your family, friends, and especially those in need. Let’s keep this party going. However, we do get caught up in what becomes a rat race, when we forget that Christmas, specifically, Advent, is about waiting patiently for God to arrive on the scene.  If we would simply incorporate Advent into Christmas, we would have a better perspective of things. Why? Advent slows us down. It makes us think. We learn to wait. We learn to stay present. And if we slow down just enough, we will then be able to appreciate what this season is really about – Jesus, the God, moving into our neighborhood (s).

Please challenge my audience to do something completely different this year during the month of Christmas.

Well. Since you asked. Don’t spend any money on yourself. That’s a good start. If you are in the habit of giving gifts, look for things in your house that you can give away so the gifts that come in are at least replacing what you had and not adding to what you don’t need. One line that may help us think differently is, “less presents – more presence”

I would challenge you (if you’re not already part of a church community) to look for a local church to attend during December. Not just a one-off Christmas Eve service, but two to three gatherings in December. The only way that your personal Christmas story can become more meaningful is if you make time to experience THE Christmas story. If you’re not into Christianity, that’s okay, use it as a learning experience. It’s so worth a try.

I know Italians love food. What are your favorite dishes and how important is food in living a balanced life?

I sing The Beetle’s song, ‘8 days a week…I love you’ when it comes to pasta :). I honestly just love food. Food that is made well. If it’s been cooked and prepared well and with passion, I love it. I will spend more on food if it’s good and healthy, rather than save a few bucks to eat bad food (i.e. fast food or junk food). Life is too short to eat bad food. Now, I understand that life is not always that simple, and some people can’t afford to eat well. But we should all do the best we can, within our means, to eat healthily, and enjoy the food we do eat.

I also want to say that food is very communal. It brings people together. We get together over drinks and food. Don’t take those moments for granted, with your family or with your friends and neighbors.

Give me three tips on being a good father and on being a good husband.

First, I’m becoming a father and husband. What I mean by that is I’m hopefully better than I was, but I have lots to learn. Two, tell your kids and your spouse that you love them. In-person, via text, any way possible. If they hear it and know it from you, they will never feel like seeking it elsewhere. Three, balance providing (working hard) with pleasure (time well spent). It’s very honorable to provide for your family. Work as hard as you can to make a living and save for the future. However, know how to rest, how to stop, and how to simply be together.

You have been a minister for a long time, what have you learned about human behavior?

We are all broken. We all need a community. We all need grace.

How do you balance food faith family and finance in this busy world?

I already talked about food ;). Faith is so important – it is a reference point that is the opposite of your human selfishness. For me of course, my faith in Jesus. The family is your closest neighbor. Love them as you love yourself. If you steward your money well, you’ll have enough to live, give, play, and plan. Lots to say on this, but I’ll quote a well-known equation, 100% of your money should at least be divided like this, 10% give, 10% save, 80% live. If you can start there and increase the 10% part incrementally, you’ll be happier, more satisfied, less fearful, and very content.

Lastly, tell me a good minister joke.

They did a survey with Young Adults. They were asked to share what three topics they were most interested in hearing about at church. The top three answers were: SEX, END TIMES, and WILL THERE BE SEX IN THE END TIMES.

Jesus had to have been Italian. His dad was a carpenter, he lived at home until he was 30, and his mother thought he was God.


Photo Credits: Dan Kiefer Vidar Nordli-Mathisen  Gareth Harper Gian Reichmuth Anthony DELANOIX Carolyn V Spencer Davis

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