Unstoppable Frankie Picasso

Unstoppable Frankie Picasso

I admire Frankie Picasso. She wears so many hats and she wears them well.

Frankie Picasso wants to make a difference in this world. She wants to make this place better.

She is busy. However, she makes time for people.

I reached out to her on LinkedIn and she replied back. She had all her answers in less than a week. Frankie Picasso talks a little about her life and she also gives some amazing advice.

Frankie  Picasso thanks for willing to be interviewed by Four columns. I am amazed you are a life coach, author, artist, social impact activist, and radio host. Talk to me about how you juggle these different hats.

Jerry, thank you for asking this question. Probably the answer that is closest to the truth is because I CAN! I tend to get bored when things become too easy. Even with all the different activities, I engage in, I still find the need to switch things up or add to my toolbox every 2-3 years. I have a lot of interests and being able to explore them all at the same time keeps me from being bored with any one of them for too long.  I was never someone who could just choose one career. A part of me wishes I could have had a passion to become a doctor or lawyer, but that wasn’t my personality. I wanted to be a jockey, a veterinarian, a photojournalist, an author, etc., and I mean ALL of them, not just one. Eventually, I was able to incorporate some of those ‘wants’ into a career. I am still thinking about becoming a lawyer…smile! Becoming a Life Coach, well that kind of chose me. My whole life people have always told me their life stories within minutes of meeting me for the first time. This is a common theme for many coaches. I did find when I had a full-time coaching practice, I hated it. I love helping folks, but not 10 a day. I am a happier person when I incorporate and fulfill all the parts of me that need filling. I am curious, I am creative, and I love to play with color and textures- hence I am an artist, and I want to change the world. It’s who I am, so why fight my nature?

I love it that you call yourself unstoppable Frankie. Walk me through why you choose that name.

Actually, Jerry, I didn’t give myself that moniker. I was teaching remotely at the International Coach Academy and one day between classes, one of the teachers asked me about myself.  I told her about a recent motorcycle accident I had. I had spent 6 months in the hospital and that is when I started taking my coaching courses. I studied every modality they offered including Master Coach Trainer. After that, they offered me a teaching gig.  Anyway, we were chatting and I told her I had broken both femurs, hip, and pelvis, and was nursing a broken rod in my femur at the time and was waiting for surgery to replace it. Basically, I was walking on a broken leg.  She said, “Boy no one would ever know it by listening to you. You must be in a lot of pain”. I told her that I took a lesson from my father that when anyone asked how you are, it’s always ‘Fantastic’.  Yes, back then I was in a ton of pain, all the time, still am most days.” She then said, “You would never know it. You can’t hear it in your voice. You are Unstoppable.”.  I figured taking ‘Unstoppable Frankie’ as a mantra was a good thing. It reinforced to my subconscious on a daily basis that nothing would stop me from moving my life forward and reaching my goals, regardless of any obstacles, physical or otherwise I was facing.

What we need are more people who specialize in the impossible.” Theodore Roethke. How can women be empowered by this statement? 

Great Question! Every day, women show the world how they specialize in the impossible. During slavery, women were expected to labor, drop a baby in the field and then carry on working as if nothing happened- and they did.  Women are the greatest multi-taskers and continue to look after family and rule boardrooms, pretty much with one hand tied behind their back. Let’s see, get kids ready for school, go to work for 8 hours, cook dinner but shop for said groceries first, take kids to hockey practice and dance lessons, then help with homework, tidy up the house, and do it all again the next day.  That was my life for many years, and I was not alone. Today, there is an organization formed called the G-100. One hundred women whose vision is to create an equal, progressive, and inclusive environment for women worldwide. Those 100 Women Global Leaders have 100 wings, supported by 100 He for She partners, and 100 chairs who provide advocacy, impact, and awareness for a gender-equal world. This translates into 1 million women standing strong! How is that for specializing in the Impossible? I am the Global Director for Media and Communications wing.

frankie picasso

What is a social impact activist? Frankie Picasso, how are you making a difference in this role?

As a Social Impact artist, the work I create and sell goes to pay for Cleft Palate surgery through Mercy Ships. It helps pay for the care of the Donkeys at the Donkey Sanctuary. I support Women’s VVF surgery, (Vesicovaginal Fistula) which happens when a young girl who is undeveloped, (as in 13 years of age) goes into labor without a doctor to provide a cesarian and the baby is too big to be delivered. The baby then dies in utero, and she must wait for the fetus to atrophy before it’s small enough for it to go through the birth canal and she can expel it. This causes a fistula between the bladder and vagina to occur and as a result, it burns a hole and causes an involuntary discharge of urine into the vagina. The patient becomes quite smelly and is usually cast out of her village. There is a simple surgical fix but it obviously requires access to a surgeon. As mentioned above, I am part of the G100, a voluntary organization.

I am also the Mentor and Associate Director for Girl Power Talk and Girl Power USA, an incredible organization that evolved out of the need to close the gender equity gap.  Girl Power talk is passionately dedicated to empowering young women, as well as men and nonbinary individuals. Girl Power Talk began in India and today has expanded into 18 countries.  Girl Power Talk is growing exponentially and fast becoming known for its carefully nurtured culture. The organization is a meritocracy, a place where advancement depends on merit, not age or education. Every young leader is Mentored and valued and we know will exceed even their own expectations.  This is the framework for societal transformation that Girl Power Talk is built upon, and I am very proud to be a part of it.  

The Good Radio Show that you host is out of this world. I was blown away by the diversity of topics and the people you interviewed. What is the mission and vision of this Radio Show?

The Vision of The Good Radio Network (TGRN) grew out of my desire to support the United Nations Global Goals and hence created- The Good Radio Network-Radio that does a World of Good.  The station was to be a tool for advocacy and my shows Mission Unstoppable and Frankie Sense & More showcased a variety of guests that supported my desire to showcase Guests who were Unstoppable in their lives.  I searched for individuals or groups of people who were changing the World for Good. I wanted to interview guests who could become role models for listeners by inspiring them, motivating them, or just giving them the roadmap on how they too might be a vehicle for change.   I often heard, “What can I do, I’m just one person?”, and I would answer ‘a lot’.  I wanted listeners to become involved in advocacy and help NGOs, or endangered animals, whether by sending them money or volunteering their services. In my mind the best possible outcome would be they started something themselves.

I believe in being authentic, real, and vulnerable to the bone. Talk to me about  I BARED My CHEST-21 Unstoppable Women Get Naked. How did you bring such a diverse group of women?

I Bared My Chest-21 Unstoppable Women Get Naked is the title of a book that was the brainchild of Alex Okoroji, a Nigerian actress, author, and podcast host, and myself, as the lead. The book is an anthology written by 21 courageous women who agreed to strip away their masks, their armor and write with unfailing vulnerability and honesty.  They were each hand-picked by Alex and myself and they hailed from Africa, Australia, Canada, the USA, Brazil, all successful women enjoying a variety of careers, and as if this book was truly ordained by the Universe, the breadth of diversity that stared back at us once we saw the full picture was a very “happy accident “to borrow the phrase from fellow artist, Bob Ross. We asked each author to answer the same questions about life, career, love, romance, family, sex, and money, and to answer in narrative form.  The promo starts off like this: What Happens When A Canadian Radio Host gets together with a Nigerian Actress, a Bisexual Jew, a Break-Up Coach, an American Thought Leader, An Indian Men’s Right Activist, A Religious Minister, An African American Brand Strategist, A Brazilian Law Professor, An African Single Mother of 21 Orphans, What happens when they team up with a Transgender Activist, a Teenage Author, a Lesbian Buddhist, a Divorced Media Queen, a Television Host, a Prolific ‘Lesbian Fiction’ Novelist, A Muslim Singer”, a Money Coach…and a CANCER Ridden South African Political Activist???

After the book was complete, I had the brainchild of asking each author to read their chapter in their OWN voice with their great accents, and that is now offered on Audible as well. At 750 pages, the book contains a lot of life lessons and there is sure to be one story where a reader will feel alignment or synergy with an author to help them navigate through life.

Is there such a thing as a mid-life crisis in women? Frankie Picasso help me understand whether it is a wake-up call.

I believe a midlife crisis or better term metamorphosis happens for both sexes. For women, it seems to happen sometimes in their 30s and men usually in their 50s, although it can happen anytime in midlife. There is an awakening, a realization that the responsibility of power has truly been passed on to oneself and they can no longer blame their parents or family for any unhappiness or choices they made. For instance, let’s say you chose a career that would make your parents happy but you, not so much. Well, as sweet as it is that you chose duty over desire when the wakeup or midlife crisis happens, all that angst or regret surfaces, and the desire for what you really wanted rises to the conscious level.

I usually tell clients that we come into this world alone and we leave it alone and what happens in between is our own personal journey. We are only on this planet for a nanosecond. Those 70 or 80 years pass very quickly, faster the older we get. So, if one isn’t happy, they need to figure out why.

This is what I believe happens. This awakening is a moment of truth. I like to say that All the Worlds is a Stage, but if you didn’t get the right part, then ask for another one. No one is STUCK in their role. As painful as that might be for those whose lives are in our orbit, each of us deserves happiness. For some, to break free from their lives, they become like a bull in a China shop. Destruction is everywhere, but it’s in chaos, where change happens best. Once the ‘tantrum’ is over, they are able to put the pieces of their life back together in a new and hopefully complimentary way.

midlife crisis

I find writing cathartic. It helps me to relax and become introspective. How do writing and painting help you?

I am not sure if you know that I studied as a Metaphysical Hypnotherapist and graduated as a Master Hypnotherapist, with a license to teach it from the National Guild of Hypnosis.  When we engage in writing, painting, and even driving our car, these are all considered forms of self-hypnosis. Anything that takes us out of our conscious mind and into ‘the flow’, can be considered a trance state. It’s no wonder it’s cathartic for you. It is the space where creativity lives and it also is a space that helps those with chronic pain, who forget about it for a while. I highly recommend it.

My 18-year-old daughter is heading to university and will be in residence. She is inheriting a different world. Give her some advice.

It is funny, I am not sure if 18 is as young today as it was in my day when I headed off to college at 17, but being away from home can offer up a lot of temptation, especially if one comes from a stricter upbringing. Ok, daughter Watch out for The Freshman 15, it’s a real thing.. That’s the amount of weight, 15 pounds, first-year students usually gain in residence. Partly because they can party, they can eat whatever they choose to eat and they don’t have home cooking so they eat McDonald’s and other junk. FREEDOM!

School costs a lot of money, so try not to waste it. Go to class, buckle down, but save room for fun. Even though it costs a lot of money, if you find out that you truly believe you chose the wrong major, don’t be afraid to tell your folks, and don’t go down the road too long. Change is allowed, but don’t change because something is hard. Change because you really didn’t know, what you don’t know, and what you didn’t know was that would don’t like that career path. 😊

If you feel like you want to right the wrongs of the world, I highly encourage you get involved in advocacy work. There are a ton of NGOs that need help and if you find yourself in business or entrepreneurial studies, think about the United Nations 21 Global Goals, and how you can help save the planet, advance world health, education, gender equity, stop violence against women, or help the environment and so much more. Add SDGs to the agenda of your business plan.   There are just so many activities and roles to engage in. Best of luck with your Future.


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