Work 100 Hours a week

Work 100 Hours a week

Quotes on work

We’re not in this life just to work, we’re in it to live ― Cecelia Ahern

Overworking is the Black Plague of the 21st Century ― Richie Norton

For years, I had used these fractured men to justify my cynicism and workaholism, and the grief, insomnia, and casual anorexia were no longer of any interest to me – Antonella Gambotto-Burke


Workaholic definition

A workaholic is someone who has a compulsive approach to work at the cost of their health, social life, and sleep.


Work 100 hours a week…seriously?

The news is all about how an entrepreneur has mentioned that to make a difference you have to work 100 hours a week. No one was mentioning about the personal life of the entrepreneur. The failed marriages, different kids, and at the last interview, the entrepreneur asked the reporter to find him/her a date because he/she was lonely.

All research points to the fact that working long hours is bad for you and results in burnout and stress.

The risks associated with workaholism are tiredness, no social life, damage to the skeleton, heart attack, brain damage, and obesity.

I agree in order to be successful in the 21st-century one has to work hard. However, we are living in a post-COVID world.

woman driving

However, I recommend that you take one hour a week to make a difference. Share a meal with someone, give the homeless person a sandwich or a bottle of water, pay for someone at the restaurant or for the person behind you at the drive-through, donate to a charity, buy ethical goods, invest in companies that are corporate, social and ethically responsible, volunteer your time in an area that is a strength of yours, be a great neighbor, drive safely, be authentic in your relationships, meditate daily, practice gratitude, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love unconditionally

saving on hair

Let me know the rewards of the above. I would love to hear from you.


Photo Credits: Jacob Townsend

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2 thoughts on “Work 100 Hours a week”

  • All great advice most working people should follow. At a training program for petroleum dealers a few years ago we were asked what were our hobbies. About 4 in the group of 18 said they had no hobby. One said his hobby was Work !!
    You must add staying away from mobiles and laptops as employers have found a way to keep us working 24×7.
    Overall love your blogs. A treat to read each one.

  • The Cecelia Ahearn quote caught my attention! I’ve read and loved all her books! You have shared some great advice. Even if one must work 100 hours a week at times, you really need to have a very supportive partner/family to survive. Being mindful/deliberate of how we can do good with one hour a week can actually be life changing if we practice it regularly. I’ve got a plan for my hour this week. Thank you!

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