Giving to Charity

Giving to Charity

Introduction Charity is to give to others that which belongs to you. Welcome to my series, How To Use Money To Make You Happier. In the introduction section, I gave some stats and mentioned a few reasons for starting this series. I am going to 

Captain Vivek Bhasin

Captain Vivek Bhasin

Meet Captain Vivek Bhasin. I love his style of writing, eclectic style of dress, Mick Jagger’ joie de vivre, and fathomless, ardent love for his alma mater. We both went to a British boarding school, both of us were Lefroyans, he settles in Sweden, I 

What is prayer?

What is prayer?

Prayer is a form of communication or supplication directed toward a deity, higher power, or divine being. It is a practice that is often associated with religious or spiritual traditions and is found in various forms across different cultures and belief systems. In prayer, individuals 

Feedspot: Top 30 Women Empowerment Blogs

Feedspot: Top 30 Women Empowerment Blogs

I am pleased to announce that Fourcolumnsofabalancedlife has been ranked at number 15 in the Top 30 Women Empowerment Blogs and Websites for Women. I look forward to being part of the best and popular blogs by providing exciting lifestyle content, that empowers women 



Self-care for women involves taking intentional actions to prioritize and maintain their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It’s important to note that self-care is a personal and individualized concept, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Regular Exercise: Engage in 

Thrive by taking responsibility

Thrive by taking responsibility

Thrive by taking responsibility is what this post is all about. I had not spoken to a cousin that I grew up with for quite a while. We were living in different countries and life got in the way. We connected on WhatsApp and over 

Poverty Alleviation: The Future Muhammad Yunus

Poverty Alleviation: The Future Muhammad Yunus

Rochelle is presently pursuing her master’s degree and focuses on spending her time on poverty alleviation in the world. Rochelle, thanks for being willing to be interviewed on my blog regarding Millennials. Please tell my audience a little about you. My name is Rochelle and 

Creative Leadership

Creative Leadership

Chris Vacher is an executive pastor, site, and services and talks about creative leadership at Sanctus and about his own life. Chris tell my global audience a little about you. I know your blog audience is global so it’s probably important to say I’m Canadian! 

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla

Bishop Cotton School, Shimla

Off to Bishop Cotton School British Airways announces the departure of its flight from Dubai to…. That announcement by the airport always reminded me that my vacation was over and it was time to go back to my grandparents or St. Andrews School. The pretty 

Who are the Sikhs?

Who are the Sikhs?

Gurpreet Singh Bhogal is a practicing Sikh and the Network Operations Manager, at Bell Canada. We talk about life and the Sikh faith. Gurpreet please tell my audience a little about you. I work with Bell Canada for a living and I teach The Happiness