Selena Frongillo: The Pressure To Be Perfect

Selena Frongillo: The Pressure To Be Perfect

Do you feel you have to be perfect? Perfect on the job,  perfect with friends, perfect with family, and perfect in general.  Are you on the treadmill of life trying to be perfect? If you are on performance mode, then you need to stop trying 

Tia Conner: Dating Coach

Tia Conner: Dating Coach

Just type dating in the 21st century and you get sixty million results. There is online dating, speed dating, friends with benefits dating and the list never end. I live in a city of six million people and the number one complaint I hear from 

Healing Approach

Healing Approach

We all need healing. Every human being you come across is hurting. We all have to face trauma, loneliness, abandonment, grief, loss, divorce, death, sadness, struggles, and the challenges of life. As a result, we all have stuff hidden in the closet. Those that deal 

Hurting To Hope

Hurting To Hope

Last year I was hurting. Ok, Jerry, the truth is you were hurting very bad. Debbie was going through chemo, Jean was looking for a job and I was facing unemployment. A year later, Debbie is in remission, Jean has two job offers and I 

Canadian Minted Immigrant

Canadian Minted Immigrant

The immigrant has made Toronto the most multicultural and diverse city in the world. More than 200 ethnic groups live here and speak 140 languages. Toronto is one of the most educated cities, creating more jobs in tech than New York and San Francisco put 

Kevin Robbins: Minister Focusing on Radical Optimism

Kevin Robbins: Minister Focusing on Radical Optimism

I have a deep respect and admiration for a minister (evangelist, pastor, cleric, chaplain, missionary, priest, rector, preacher, Reverand). The job of a minister is tough and demanding. It can be satisfying from an intrinsic perspective. However, there are metrics to deal with. The modern-day 

The Pandemic: Grow from it, learn from it, or fear it

The Pandemic: Grow from it, learn from it, or fear it

The pandemic leaves me with three choices. Grow from it, learn from it, or fear it. How was your week? This week, someone who I have known since a teenager, lost his wife to cancer in Toronto. What do you say? How do you say 

Denise Gardiner: Addiction and Getting Help

Denise Gardiner: Addiction and Getting Help

An addiction is a disease that you inherit, where mind and body crave something you have consumed more than life itself! It exists due to the disease you inherit, and you may not know you have the disease until you are hooked, and without help, your life could be doomed.

Joanna Lafleur: 21st century’s Aimee McPherson

Joanna Lafleur: 21st century’s Aimee McPherson

Joanna Lafleur has an undergrad in communication and business and a master’s in theological studies focusing on how to use digital communication tools for evangelism and discipleship. Over the last 15 years, she has spoken at churches, conferences, camps, and ministries in North America, Europe, 

From Success To Significance

From Success To Significance

David Adams is the lead pastor, planning and implementation at Sanctus Church. David did his Undergrad in Commerce and Economics from the University of Toronto and has a Master of Theological Studies from the Tyndale Seminary. Being called into ministry after operating in the business