From Russia With Love

From Russia With Love

Anna is 31 years old from Stavropol, Russia and has lived in St. Petersburg for 15 years. She graduated with a degree in clinical psychology. However, she did not pursue it as she did not like it. She presently works as a purchasing manager for a chain of stores that focus on clothes for tourists.

russia with love

She loves dancing, listening to music, photography, traveling, painting, spending time in nature, by the sea or in the mountains and leading an active life. She is not interested in going to Mars and loves Earth and everything it has to offer.

Anna wants people to know that Russians are “kind, sincere, hospitable, united and fair people. We do think differently. We are a resistant bunch as life is difficult in Russia. However, we enjoy life.”

For the first time, I have conducted an interview through Google translate which made it interesting.


Talk to me about the city you live in? What is the food, restaurant, and fashion scene? Why should we visit it?

Stavropol is small, beautiful, and picturesque with a population of 900 thousand people. In 2018, it was in the top 10 cleanest cities in Russia. Stavropol has a rich history, is close to the mountains, and is incredibly beautiful. We do not have a lot of restaurants. However, our cuisine is famous for its dishes that are hearty, spicy, rich, and colorful. The food is like our people, temperamental and welcoming. As our guest, you will be well-fed, cheerful, and happy. Once you visit Stavropol, you will never forget it. When you visit, see the sunrise against the mountains as a backdrop. The mountains are 3257 meters above sea level. Also, drink our delicious wine and dance the folk dances with us.


How important is your family to you? What are some of the fun things you do with them?

Family is a sensitive and very difficult topic for me. My father passed away eight years ago. I live with my mom and we focus on enjoying life. My mother makes very beautiful jewelry with her own hands. I love to visit the mountains with my mother and she paints beautiful landscapes. I also snowboard.

We have a family curse which is funny and mysterious. We have all had our front teeth knocked out during childhood. When I was 7 years old, a boy from high school pushed me. I fell and knocked out a tooth. My dad at the age of 8 had his tooth knocked out while playing hockey with a friend in the yard. My mom at the age of 9 was involved in ballroom dancing and accidentally knocked off her front tooth.


What does women empowerment mean to you as a 21st-century woman?

The woman of the 21st century has been given many rights and this has led her to become stronger, powerful, and independent. Men are not taking care of women and cannot accept matriarchy in a family setting. Women take care of everything in the home and cope with all the issues. I find it a challenge to find a man to start a family with. I had a few relations with men and found them weaker morally.

russia with love

Life is difficult for all of us. Help me understand something difficult you went through and what you learned from it?

The death of my father has been the most difficult and tragic event for me. It affected me personally. I had to grow up, make decisions and become responsible fast. Until my father’s death, I was a carefree person. I knew my dad would always be there to take care of my problems. My mom got depressed and we dealt with his death together.

My paternal grandmother had a tough time as she buried her husband and her only son. I spend a lot of time with my grandmother as she gets lonely. I go to the park and the movie theatre with her. I have it good and do not complain.


How has social media changed you?

Social media is part of our everyday life. My day does not begin with coffee but going through the news feed on Facebook, Instagram, and VK on my smartphone. You soon realize you get so immersed in it that it takes all your free time. You do not have time to develop an independent mind or read literature or go to the theatre. You get caught up in it and see other people live their lives. I finally realized that it was invading my private space and so I do not see the news feed as often.

russia with love

If you had a choice to have a meal with 5 men or women who would it be and why have you chosen these people and what question would you ask them?

I would love to go for dinner with my father and talk to him about how much I miss him and how life is not the same without him. The second is Lesh. I would not go to a restaurant with him but to the seashore. I would make a tent and have a romantic dinner with sandwiches and a thermos of herbal tea. The third would be Jared Leto. I am fascinated with his creativity and outlook on life. I just want to be around him and enjoy the meal. I would like to have dinner with Pavel Durov the founder of VK and Telegram in a luxury restaurant in Dubai. I admire him and his success and would like to ask him about his business skills, taking on risks, and embracing failure. Finally, it would be someone from a teenage shelter. I would like to mentor her. I would tell her to stay from alcohol and drugs and to become the best she can.


Talk to me about things you want to change about Russian men?

I want Russian men to become teetotalers. Alcoholism is rampant and has created lots of problems. Other than that, I like everything about Russian men.


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