Tag: #bible

Joanna Lafleur: 21st century’s Aimee McPherson

Joanna Lafleur: 21st century’s Aimee McPherson

Joanna Lafleur has an undergrad in communication and business and a master’s in theological studies focusing on how to use digital communication tools for evangelism and discipleship. Over the last 15 years, she has spoken at churches, conferences, camps, and ministries in North America, Europe, 

From Success To Significance

From Success To Significance

David Adams is the lead pastor, planning and implementation at Sanctus Church. David did his Undergrad in Commerce and Economics from the University of Toronto and has a Master of Theological Studies from the Tyndale Seminary. Being called into ministry after operating in the business 

To err is human, to forgive, divine

To err is human, to forgive, divine

Quotes on Forgiveness The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong – Mahatma Gandhi To err is human, to forgive, divine – Alexander Pope Romance to ruin It was my tenth wedding anniversary. I was excited to have made it this 

What is the Catholic Church?

What is the Catholic Church?

Introduction Amanda Griesbaum is the creator of Following Isidore, where she writes about the Catholic faith, rural life, and recipes from her grannie.  She believes the best way to live out God’s two greatest commandments: Love Him and Love your Neighbor, is to learn, practice, 

What is prayer?

What is prayer?

Prayer is a form of communication or supplication directed toward a deity, higher power, or divine being. It is a practice that is often associated with religious or spiritual traditions and is found in various forms across different cultures and belief systems. In prayer, individuals