Tag: #inspiration

Helping people find their dream

Helping people find their dream

We all need help in our lives. Life is full of challenges. No one escapes it. I truly believe that everything that happens to us is ten percent. Ninety percent depends on if you get up and face the reality of life. For many of 

Niloo: A Winners Mindset

Niloo: A Winners Mindset

No matter how you define success, your mindset is an important factor in achieving it.  Your mindset will determine whether you are successful or not. A robust and positive mindset is fundamental to establishing flourishing self-esteem. It is a framework that influences our beliefs, feelings, 

Sara Felushko: Registered Professional Counsellor (CANADA)

Sara Felushko: Registered Professional Counsellor (CANADA)

Introduction Over the last eight months, as I take care of Debbie as she battles cancer, I get a lot of compliments. Oh, Jerry, you are so patient, kind, gentle, compassionate, such a great father, we only wish more men were…….. I smile because most 

Resilience & Stress Management

Resilience & Stress Management

What is Resilience? Resilience is how well people deal with and bounce back from the challenges of life. Resilience is the process of adjusting positively as you face challenges, tragedy, adversity, threats, and major sources of stress like job loss, divorce, financial issues, health problems, 

Stick To Your Schedule

Stick To Your Schedule

Hannah is a European based New Zealand blogger, whose mission is to help you live compassionately. Hannah contacted bloggers from around the world who focus on inspiring and empowering people on how to stay productive when you’re stuck at home. I wrote a piece on 

Discover the transformative attitude of gratitude

Discover the transformative attitude of gratitude

Gratitude is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutralizer of envy, hostility, worry, and irritation. It is savoring; it is not taking things for granted; it is present-oriented – Sonja Lyubomirsky Prologue On a cold day in January 2016, I am flying to London, UK, 



Be Happy Quote If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a year – go fishing. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone else 

Captain Vivek Bhasin

Captain Vivek Bhasin

Meet Captain Vivek Bhasin. I love his style of writing, eclectic style of dress, Mick Jagger’ joie de vivre, and fathomless, ardent love for his alma mater. We both went to a British boarding school, both of us were Lefroyans, he settles in Sweden, I 



Self-care for women involves taking intentional actions to prioritize and maintain their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It’s important to note that self-care is a personal and individualized concept, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. Regular Exercise: Engage in 

Millennial: India’s Next Preity Zinta

Millennial: India’s Next Preity Zinta

Richa Bhardwaj is a post-graduate in biotechnology and is representing half a billion millennials from India and the modern Indian woman. Richa, you are representing half a billion Millennials in India. What should I know about you? Thanks, Jerry for choosing me to represent half