Tag: #motivation

11 Habits that will transform and empower you

11 Habits that will transform and empower you

I have listed habits that will transform and empower you in the new year. To empower someone, Collins English Dictionary defines to give them the means to achieve something, for example, to become more successful or stronger. Cambridge Dictionary defines empowering someone to become confident 

Sales as a Career

Sales as a Career

The actions and activities that lead to the selling of services or goods are called sales.  Companies have sales departments that comprise different teams that are based on the product, the service, the target customer, and the region they are selling. The sales staff reach 

Debbie Lawrence: New Beginnings

Debbie Lawrence: New Beginnings

New beginnings are what we need sometimes in our lives. It is time to identify your true priorities. It is time to focus on what is authentic, true, and real. A new beginning means different things to different people. For me personally, next month means 

Arooba Najaf Congrats

Arooba Najaf Congrats

Social media has impacted my society that sometimes what we see isn’t worth it. You have to work hard and hustle. Instagram, for example, shows that you need to travel and be pretty, in reality, it’s an optical illusion.

Reflections on mental health and parenting

Reflections on mental health and parenting

Parenting has taken on a whole new meaning during Covid 19. Parents, caregivers, and children across the country are facing challenges and have to constantly pivot during the lockdown. Focus on creating quality time and make sure your children are connected with family, friends, and 

Getting Unstuck: How To Become Happier

Getting Unstuck: How To Become Happier

Stuck means you are in a situation that is unfortunate that you cannot get out of. Unstuck is the process and framework of getting out of that unfortunate situation. The synonyms for stuck include: frozen, jammed, lodged, set, tight, wedged, and snug. There are certain 

Self Care: Taking Care of Yourself

Self Care: Taking Care of Yourself

What is self-care? Self-care is the intentional and concerned process of taking care of and improving your mental, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual health with a balanced lifestyle. During this pandemic, it can be stressful and self-care is important. I strongly recommend that you eat 

4 Strategies to Achieve Your Health Goals

4 Strategies to Achieve Your Health Goals

January is here, which means you’ve likely set a New Years’ resolution! for your health goals. It is important to have holistic goals, where you in are sync emotionally, spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and financially. 2020 and 2021 were not easy. However, I am going to 

Holistic Approach to Household Finances

Holistic Approach to Household Finances

As we approach the holidays and the end of the year, it is important to talk about your finances. Jason Trueman a portfolio manager talks about how to have a holistic approach to household finances and to buy a good mattress. A holistic approach to 

Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Nirmala Srivastava founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970. During meditation, seekers experience self-realization. Sahaja is a Sanskrit term consisting of ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘ja’ is ‘born’. In the Buddhist dictionary, it is ‘innate, denoting the natural presence of enlightenment or purity’. Dr. Girish Gupta, a