Change in Life

Change in Life

Change in life refers to the process of transformation or transition from one state to another. It can happen in many areas, including personal growth, relationships, career, health, or even one’s mindset. Life changes can be planned, like moving to a new city or starting a new job, or they can be unexpected, like facing loss or a sudden opportunity.

Adapting to change in life can be challenging, but it is a crucial skill for growth and resilience. The first step is acknowledging that change is inevitable and resisting it can lead to more stress. Acceptance allows you to focus on how to deal with the new situation rather than dwelling on how things used to be. View change as an opportunity for growth, learning, or improvement.

Flexibility in your mindset and actions is key to adapting. Life rarely goes exactly as planned, so being able to adjust your goals, routines, and expectations can make transitions smoother. Break down the change into manageable parts. Focusing on small, actionable steps can reduce feelings of overwhelm and help you gradually adapt to new circumstances. Every change, whether positive or negative, offers lessons. Reflect on what you can learn from the situation and how it can help you grow personally or professionally.

Sharing your feelings or seeking advice from friends, family, or mentors can provide emotional support. If the change demands new skills or knowledge, take proactive steps to learn. During times of change, it’s easy to feel powerless. Focusing on aspects you can control, such as your attitude, effort, and actions, helps you feel more empowered and less anxious.

Sheenia is a blogger from Live Love & Blossom a lifestyle blog focusing on personal growth and intentional living.  She talks to Four Columns about her blog and the life changes.

Sheenia, a pleasure to have you on Four Columns. Could you tell my audience something unique about you?

Thanks for having me, Jerry. Wow… I love this question because I think we’re all unique in our way. One of the things that make me unique is that I’m a daydreamer. I love being alone so I can daydream and get lost in my thoughts. Sometimes, my daydreams grow into stories—and then I write them down for others to read and enjoy. I think most writers and creatives often daydream—that’s where a lot of great ideas are born.

I was hoping you could help me understand how writing is a therapy for you.

I’ve always loved writing since childhood. I remember rushing home every day after school so I could pull out my diary and start writing… For me, writing is therapeutic because it helps me understand myself better. It allows me to process my thoughts and feelings, and healthily release my emotions. Writing is a form of self-care and self-discovery. When I don’t prioritize my writing, I start to feel lost and off-center. I’ve found that the more I write, the more I heal and grow.

Walk me through how your blog helps your audience navigate life. 

Live Love & Blossom is a lifestyle blog dedicated to personal growth and intentional living. We cover topics on self-care, self-love, faith, family, and self-development. On my blog, I like to combine my personal experiences, along with research, to share relatable tips and ideas that will help my audience navigate the highs and lows of everyday life.

In life and work the only constant is change. Give my audience advice on how to navigate change in life. 

This is an interesting topic because I recently published an article about navigating change and life transitions. Personally, this current season of my life has been all about learning to embrace change and flexibility. So, I think that’s the key—having an understanding that life is change and being able to embrace flexibility throughout your journey. I highly recommend reserving quiet time to be alone, for self-reflection and meditation. If you’re expecting a significant change soon, you should give yourself time and space to process your emotions. This can help mentally prepare and strengthen you for the changes that lie ahead. Also, I’d like to remind everyone (including myself) that although change is usually scary, it can be a good thing in the end.

Is happiness and joy the same thing? Is happiness elusive?

Hmm… let me think about it for a second… No, I wouldn’t say that happiness and joy are the same thing. I think happiness is a more detailed and short-term feeling. Joy, on the other hand, is a more long-term inner state of being. For example, I recently lost my grandmother. So, I’m not particularly feeling “happy” at the moment. However, I still have joy because my grief doesn’t negate my many blessings. I also have joy because my grandmother lived a long, fulfilling life. So, I’m outwardly sad because of her passing, but my internal joy remains. It can be easy to confuse happiness and joy sometimes, but I think they’re different when you think about it.

Self-love and self-care are just buzzwords or important in life. What are some practical ways we can practice both? 

With the rise of social media, we hear the words self-love and self-care fairly often. However, contrary to what some people may think, self-love and self-care are more than just trendy terms. I struggled with low self-worth for several years. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of insecurities. Then, God led me on a journey to self-love, and it changed my life. Self-love and Self-care are both essential for our health and happiness—and they often go hand in hand. Some practical ways we can practice self-love and self-care are by establishing healthy boundaries, engaging in positive self-talk, connecting with nature, and being mindful of both the foods and media that we consume.

 How have marriage and motherhood changed you?

I married my high school sweetheart nearly 20 years ago, and we share a beautiful daughter. I’ve changed in many ways since becoming a wife and mom. For starters, I’m a lot less selfish than I used to be. Having a family has taught me about compromise, sacrifice, and prioritizing other people’s needs and interests. Marriage and motherhood both require a lot of work, which naturally develops patience and growth. Altogether… I’m better, stronger, and happier than before.

Advise yourself at 19, 29 and 39.

I’d tell the 19-year-old version of me to fall in love with herself before anyone else. Additionally, I’d tell her to not compare herself to others because everyone’s journey is unique. I’d tell the 29-year-old version of me to not allow society to dictate her happiness. I’d advise her to believe in herself and her choices and to be OK with living a life that others may not understand. As for my 39-year-old self… Well, that’s the current version of me. There are so many things I’d tell myself at this age. But the most important piece of advice I’d give myself now would be to trust in God’s timing. Even though waiting is hard, I’m learning that God’s plan is perfect and greater than mine.

What does women’s empowerment mean to you?

For me, women’s empowerment is all about improving the way we think and feel about ourselves and our choices. Feeling empowered means loving myself, being confident in the pursuit of my goals, and living a life that feels true to my values. I think women’s empowerment involves giving others the hope and inspiration to live their lives freely and authentically.

Talk to me a little about the city you live in, the food scene, and why we should visit. 

I live in the suburbs of Dallas, TX. The area I reside in has a nice historical vibe. It is a college town, having several state universities, which makes it entertaining. It is also known for its musical heritage and artistic downtown buildings. If you’re ever in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, I’m sure you’d enjoy our burgers, barbecue, and Tex-Mex cuisine.

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1 thought on “Change in Life”

  • It was a pleasure to share my thoughts here on Four Columns. As someone who’s currently navigating change and transition, this piece really inspired me to reflect on the steps needed to embrace my journey moving forward. Thanks Jerry!

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