Jessi Bang: Its all about the outdoors

Jessi Bang: Its all about the outdoors

The health benefits of traveling and being outdoors are immense. The essential benefits of traveling are to improve your overall well-being.  The American Journal of Epidemiology reported that women have a lower risk of heart attack if they traveled at least twice a year. When you head off to a new area, it invigorates your mind and body and makes you more productive. Traveling helps you meet new people, makes you grateful, and appreciate different cultures, reduces stress, makes you self-reflective, boosts your confidence, and makes you more creative.

Jessi Bang is obsessed with traveling and the outdoors. We talk about life, her love for the outdoors, nature, and her humanitarian work.

Jessie, please tell me something important about you?

I’m overly obsessed with nature and the outdoors. I believe that being outside is the key to staying sane in this crazy world.

What is the rambling raccoon all about? How did you come up with the name? Who is your audience and why should we read it?

The name, “The Rambling Raccoon” sort of just happened. A strange fact about me: I love love love raccoons! I know, my Utah is showing. They are so adorable and handsy! I also do a ton of rambling on my blog. It’s my place to not only share my adventures but also escape my own reality sometimes! My audience is a mixture of outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, and people who resonate with my lifestyle posts. There really is something for everyone! Thousands and thousands of people visit Utah every year, especially Zion National Park, and I want people to know that there are so many amazing hiking opportunities off the beaten path! In the same area! My goal is to encourage everyone to get outside as much as possible, to see what this beautiful world has to offer us.

What is different and unique about your blog?

My blog is a mixture of awesome hikes to experience in and around Southern Utah, amazing travel experiences around the globe, and raw lifestyle posts that say life exactly how it is. I haven’t seen any blog out there that is hiking, travel, or lifestyle, so it’s definitely unique! It’s what my life is made up of, and what I enjoy the most.

I am a big believer in giving and supporting charities? Walk me through your own experiences?

I am on the board of a local nonprofit, “Global Education Philanthropists”.  We fight human trafficking both domestically and globally through education. It has opened my eyes to the horror of human trafficking all over the world. We live in this fantasy world where these things only happen in a faraway place. I’m here to tell you that it exists right in your backyard. We also do amazing and life-changing humanitarian trips. These trips give us the opportunity to visit villages all over the world and provide humanitarian aid.

Life is challenging…how do you deal with it?  Do you pray, read, meditate, take it one day at a time or just relax?

Sometimes I just have a meltdown and enjoy a good cry. Other times I just curl in the fetal position and watch Netflix. HA! But in all honesty, being outside is my therapy. And fun fact, it’s free.

Do you find writing cathartic and do you blog full time?

Both, really! Last year I was part of a business that ultimately failed. It gave me the opportunity to finally start my blog, which I had wanted to do for years. So I took a chance and did my blog full-time while living off my savings until I had to get a job. Crazy, right? Maybe. I have no regrets. I’m currently doing my blog, running a lot of the operational and trip side of the nonprofit, and working as an independent contractor for a website development company.

To find balance in 2022 is tough. How do you balance, faith, food, finance, and family?

I think making time for the things that are important to you is key. Being active both outdoors and at the gym is a very important part of how I stay balanced both mentally and physically. Maintaining a strong relationship with God and my family is equally as important. Make time for things that matter, and learn to sometimes just let the rest go.​


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