Debbie Lawrence: New Beginnings

Debbie Lawrence: New Beginnings

New beginnings are what we need sometimes in our lives. It is time to identify your true priorities. It is time to focus on what is authentic, true, and real. A new beginning means different things to different people. For me personally, next month means moving to a new city, committing myself to love my wife and daughter unconditionally daily, focusing on spiritual discipline, writing, taking care of my emotional, mental and physical health, and making a difference in the community I live in.

It can be tough growing up when your father is someone who is rich, famous, and powerful. Sometimes the challenge can be living up to expectations. Other times the burden the last name carries. I sit down with Debbie, who I worked with to find out a little about her life.

Debbie, it is great catching up with you. What have you been up to? 

Hi Jerry, nice catching up with you as well, it’s been a while.

I have been up to quite a bit since we last saw each other. I now live near Kingston in the 1000 islands and own my own gift/clothing and art boutique.

Your dad was a famous entrepreneur in Canada. Was there any pressure growing up or following in his footsteps?

I felt no pressure to follow in my Dad’s footsteps. I had no intention of being in the same business, but that’s where I ended up in the investment business. I loved it, and stayed in the business for 25 years, it was exciting, challenging, and a lot of fun.

I have known you for two decades. How has Debbie changed over that time?

I left the business in 2016 and moved to the 1000 islands where I opened up my boutique in Kingston, so my life is completely different than where I thought I would be now. I live outside a small town in a rural area not a big city anymore. My career is still very challenging but this new venture is much more creative.

No more long commutes or living in a condo. I am now surrounded by nature.

You are a Torontonian. The real blue blood 416. Talk to me about this wonderful city?

I was definitely a true-blue blood 416 Toronto girl born and raised; I never would have imagined leaving my city. But as the city grew by leaps and bounds and I got older I wanted to live a quieter life.

I will always love the Toronto I grew up in but things change that’s part of life.

Give yourself some advice at 15 and 25?

Hmmm, advice.

At 15- I would tell myself to relax don’t worry so much You have nothing to prove to anyone except to yourself.

At 25- slow down a bit and take in the moments.

Would you prefer a sensitive male who can cook or a handyman who cannot connect with you emotionally?

Lol, I am now married 10 years (wow how time flies) he’s sensitive and definitely cooks he used to be a chef. Not bad at being handy either so I feel pretty lucky.

I am glad my dating days are over. I had a lot of fun and great meaningful relationships but when you settle down it’s easier to focus on other areas of your life for me it is anyway.

How is the dating life in Toronto?

Toronto is a great city for restaurants, shopping, art, and live entertainment. It is definitely a great place to be young and dating.

I want to know something challenging you have been through. How did you deal with it?

The sudden death of my mother and a few short years later the sudden death of my father. Those experiences changed me forever, as it does for most people. I researched and even wrote a small book on grief to help myself get thru the loss in as healthy a way as possible.

Going through that is what led me to this different life today. I needed new challenges and needed to connect with nature, art, and simpler things.

new beginnings

What does women empowerment mean to you? Is it a buzz word or are things moving in the right direction?

I think women have been empowered for a long time, certainly where I grew up. I could do and be anything I set my mind to. I have never felt held back at any time, there can be difficult people at times who try to hold you back but that will always be the case just move on.

Hopefully, all women in the world will feel this freedom to live the life of their choosing one day.

Finally, I want to know some of your favorite stuff?

Favorite City: Banff

Favorite Book: Kite Runner

Favorite Actor: Robin Williams

Brad Pitt or Leonardo de Caprio: Sam Elliot please lol

Favorite Meal: Spaghetti

Favorite Wine: Chianti

The idea of a romantic date: Country house, dinner, and wine by the fire, the storm outside

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