How To Use Money To Make You Happier

How To Use Money To Make You Happier


In this post, I will show you how to use money to make you happier.

In the 21st century, money is critical, essential, influential, significant, vital, fundamental, and important.


We go to school, college, and then university to become capable of earning it. After graduation, we spend the next four decades, making it. We think about it, how to make more, how to spend it, we worry about it and finally dream about winning the lottery.

Is money the root of all evil or can it be used to make a difference in society? In a divorce, arguing over money is one of the reasons given for separating. Our emotions ride high and low with how the stock market behaves or the value of the real estate. Some want the easy way out and resort to crime to achieve it. The world is judged by being first, third, and developing based on how much they have in terms of money.

sensitive women

In 2010, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett started the Giving Pledge. The top 1% is being asked to give more than half their net worth to sustain the environment, reform criminal justice, culture, arts, medical research, empowering girls and women, to get rid of poverty and other causes. 154 billionaires have signed the pledge. They do not want to leave the money for the next generation.

I found myself having to deal with money when I was in grade 8. I was in boarding school and a bank account had been opened for me. I was allowed a set amount of pocket money a month. At Bishop Cotton, the bank was on campus. However, all withdrawals had to be signed by the housemaster.

At college and university, I had to budget and make sure I never spent more than I had in my bank account. I did a co-op (internship) at Hotel De La Paix in Geneva. The crème de la crème of Geneva had their meals at the hotel. The tips were great.

I worked at a bank for a decade of lending money and then managing money for individuals. After that, I spent more than 15 years on Bay Street. Every couple of years, we had to update the client information. When I called clients for information on money, it was a tough fight. I soon learned that people are willing to talk about everything but money. It is an emotional thing. Our ego, identity, and everything else is attached to that paycheck.


Money is essential so we can have food, clothes, and shelter. Money can give us many options. However, do we use the money to have more free time or more things?

Does money make us happier? From the 1940s to the 90s, the purchasing power of Americans increased by 150%. Here is an interesting stat. The stats reveal that depression among people during that period went up by more than 10 times.

Tibor Scitovsky in 1976 wrote The Joyless Economy about human satisfaction. The author comes to an amazing conclusion. The best things in life cannot be bought with money. All research has shown that purpose, meaning, relationships, and connecting with nature bring people satisfaction.

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Join me on the money series as I write on how to create a household budget, save for emergencies, retirement, and vacations, how to pay off debts, give to charity, and use credit to your advantage. I promise you this series will transform how you look at money and your life. You will learn how to use the money to make you happier.



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