Niloo: A Winners Mindset

No matter how you define success, your mindset is an important factor in achieving it. Your mindset will determine whether you are successful or not.
A robust and positive mindset is fundamental to establishing flourishing self-esteem. It is a framework that influences our beliefs, feelings, and attitudes. We need to become the sentinel of our minds and make sure we stay positive, inspired, and empowered.
Always remain optimistic no matter what. If you have a positive attitude, you can process information through a clearer lens, have a winning attitude, and achieve success in the long run.
A robust mindset gives you the drive to confront the status quo and go beyond the comfort zone. It allows you not to become a victim, not complain but thrive and improve.
I admire people who overcome adversity, develop a thick skin, and deal with issues head-on. Adversities in our lives challenge us and make us stronger. It is resilience that makes us go through the dark tunnels.
Niloo represents someone who does not takes no for an answer. She deals with challenges in life and comes up with ways on how to overcome them. I am inspired by her attitude to life. Niloo gives us some insight into her approach.
Niloo, I want to know what Getfitscience all about?
Getfitscience is a blog on promoting a science-based approach to fitness and nutrition. I embarked on my health journey a few years back after being diagnosed with scoliosis. It is a condition due to a sideways curvature of the spine.
I resolved to find the best way to train and improve my body to live a life without lower back pain. I started consuming as much information on training, nutrition, and mindset that I possibly could. While I managed to find a wealth of knowledge, I noticed that I had to sift through a sea of opinions and half-truths on these topics.
While it was frustrating that so many “bro-science” sources were purporting the benefits of the latest diet fad or way of training to make a buck, I saw a need to focus on science. I wanted to use my Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry to share an evidence-based approach and encourage others to think critically.
I spend hours reading peer-reviewed research and translate it into an easily digestible format to give readers access to the latest studies and how they can help you optimize their training and nutrition. Since food is a critical component of living a healthy lifestyle, I decided it was necessary to dedicate a section of the blog to nutritious recipes.
What is scoliosis? How did you find the resolve to find the best way to train and live without pain?
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Many times, doctors are unable to determine the root cause of the condition. There are varying degrees of severity, and the disorder can worsen in some cases. In my case, I used to feel chronic back pain and had mobility issues and severe muscular imbalances. I found that strength training with an emphasis on training the back muscles and core helped diminish the imbalances I was feeling and overall pain. I also incorporated a combination of yoga and pilates to help with mobility and strengthening of weak stabilizer muscles.
I want to understand the process of rejecting a victim mindset based on your circumstances?
Often, our mindset concerning training and nutrition is ignored. The average person looks at steps they need to take to see a physical change, like altering food choices and exercise. But your thoughts are paramount in determining what you will achieve in life. Without the right mindset, none of those action steps will stick.
I knew that I’d never be able to cure my condition without potentially undergoing surgery; this was not an option I wanted to consider. Instead, I reframed the situation and changed my perspective. I focused on how I wanted to feel and live the rest of my life, which was ultimately my “why,” rather than feeling down or ashamed that my scoliosis could show in my physique. Once I found my “why,” I no longer wallowed in this diagnosis and knew that if I do my part, I’ll potentially live a healthy life pain-free through training and eating well.
How are training and nutrition different from a decade and two decades ago?
I think we have more knowledge due to increased studies on methods of training and nutrition. This information has resulted in us placing more emphasis and value on the importance of exercise and eating well. Historically, strength training, for instance, was limited to a particular group of individuals, i.e. bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nowadays, I see 60-year-old women at the gym, picking up dumbells and training. It’s a positive step in the right direction.
On our health journey, what are the potential and possibilities?
I think many times we place limitations, whether conscious or sub-conscious, on ourselves through what is possible. These limitations often stem from our beliefs.
Most people don’t push themselves past their comfort zones enough and create excuses on why they are where they are. That’s why mindset and determining your reason for your health goals is so important. If you can solidify those reasons and make them your foundation for the decisions you make in your health journey, the possibilities are vast.
Help me understand some myths about fasting?
Fasting is one of the most misunderstood topics in today’s “diet culture” society. There are beneficial aspects to fasting for treating various ailments, and I know it has its purpose in varying religions and spiritual circles. But what bugs me is when people think fasting is a magical formula to losing weight. Instead, what happens is that many will make poor eating choices because they feel deprived in their fasting window and miss out on essential nutrients when they are eating. Another common myth is what they consume during the fasting window that breaks their fast unbeknownst to them. I wrote an article on Four common myths on Intermittent Fasting where I go into further myths and details.
Are diets fads, or are they here to stay?
I don’t think that diets will ever disappear. Most people will admit that they want to look their best and, unfortunately, many are looking for the next best diet or fad that will help them reach their goals as quickly as possible. It’s often due to a lack of knowledge because perhaps they’ve neglected their body for so long that they are not sure the best course of action to take, and they’ll resort to quick-fix diets. I always say that the best type of “diet” is one that makes you feel your best from the inside out and one that you can stick to.
Should all our meals be about protein?
Protein is an essential nutrient for optimal health. Proteins are building blocks of muscles, tendons, ligaments, hair, hormones, antibodies, organs, and neurotransmitters in your body. The role of protein is even more critical as we age.
It can help regulate hunger levels and reduce insulin spikes that can lead to insulin-sensitivity or being overweight or obese from a satiety standpoint. I think it’s good practice to incorporate an adequate amount of protein in each meal alongside a healthy fat and carb source. It’s all about balance. I wrote another post about protein needs and how much you need, suggested by current studies.
What does women empowerment mean to you?
We need to continue working in our society to equalize men and women. Women have been under-valued throughout history and given less or no chance, in some cases, to make valuable contributions in their respective fields. I don’t think that it’s something that needs to happen where only women support other women. Instead, both men and women need to provide support so that women have a seat at the table and make important decisions alongside men.
How do you define beauty?
Beauty, for me, comes from a place of confidence. From an aesthetic standpoint, it’s highly subjective, but it always attracts my attention when a person owns whatever they’re putting out into the world. We are constantly bombarded with marketing and narratives in social media, influencing what we should perceive as beautiful. I’m always drawn to those that transmit positive energy that breaks the mold.