Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Nirmala Srivastava founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970. During meditation, seekers experience self-realization. Sahaja is a Sanskrit term consisting of ‘Saha’ is ‘with’ and ‘ja’ is ‘born’. In the Buddhist dictionary, it is ‘innate, denoting the natural presence of enlightenment or purity’.
Dr. Girish Gupta, a management consultant, and practitioner of Sahaja Yoga Meditation talks about its advantages.
Girish, it is a pleasure to have you here. Please tell my global audience a little about you?
I am a management consultant, advising companies on the best ways to manage and operate their business, which includes business strategy, operational techniques, marketing, branding, and skills like time management. I help companies become efficient, increase synergies and increase their footprint by attracting new business.
What did you do for your Ph.D. thesis?
I did my Ph.D. in Marketing Management. The thesis was – Study on the Industrial Product Marketing Strategy of selected companies in India.
Explain your yoga style and how it is linked to your faith.
I practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation. It is Self Realization or Actualization. Sahaja Yoga is given by our Divine Mother-Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the founder of Sahaja Yoga. It is practiced in more than 180 countries across the world. For more details, one can visit As far as faith, you can see various miracles in your day-to-day life. You also have peace from within.
Is there any special God you worship?
After practicing Sahaja Yoga, you get the knowledge that all Gods are one and equal. They all lead you to take only one path. The path is the truth that one can feel in his/her nervous system.
How do you embrace good and shun evil?
As we practice Sahaja Yoga and get better, we get established in it. At that point, one automatically comes to know through vibration what is evil and good. You act accordingly.
Do you follow any specific diet?
No, I do not follow any specific diet. However, I surely try to follow a disciplined routine. I take Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. I make sure there is no interval of more than 4 or 5 hours after each meal. For me, a meal can also be having fruit.
What are the advantages of doing yoga?
People perceive yoga as only physical activity, but actually, yoga means one’s Reunion with all-pervading power which is God’s love flowing everywhere. This reunion can be achieved by self-realization meditation only. I also recommend physical exercise like walking, jogging, cycling, going to the gym, and swimming.
Tell me about Indore and some good restaurants and your favorite dishes.
Indore is located in the western part of Madhya Pradesh. It is a developing B-class city in India. Indore was awarded as best city for cleanliness two years in a row.
Indore is famous for food-loving people with a variety of tastes, different food outlets, and restaurants for their sumptuous meals. Indore has a food market (Also known as khau gali) that operates from 8 PM to 12 PM. You get a variety of food from Chinese, South Indian, pasta, Jalebi, Kachori, Samosa, etc.
I do not have any specific favorite dish. However, I like Kadhi (made from curd), and butter paneer masala and am fond of sweets. Shreemaya, Sayaji, and TGB are some good restaurants in Indore.
Give me some tips on being a good husband and I will follow up with your wife to see if you are doing these things.
I would strongly recommend trusting each other blindly. Keep quiet when the other person is angry (don’t argue at that point in time). Once when things are normal and cooled down explain your point of view. Love each other without any expectations.
How do you balance faith, food, finance, family, and your career?
Don’t take your office worries home and vice versa. After practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation, you get a work-life balance easily.
Photo Credits: Patrick Hendry kike vega Kristopher Allison Farsai Chaikulngamdee Carl Newton Steve Halama Kaylee Garrett Raghu Nath Hans Vivek Dipesh Gurav