Healing Emotional Wounds

Emotional wounds are not the same as physical wounds.
My body is scarred with physical wounds. I played squash for 15 years. Every muscle, ligament, bone was torn or sprained at some point. The family doctor and the physiotherapist told me time to give it up and focus on swimming and walking. I have cuts, bruises, and gashes all over my body through years of being a boxer, playing soccer, and playing pranks. All the physical wounds have healed.
Emotional wounds on the other hand are a whole different story.
Emotional wounds can result from watching a crime, bankruptcy, unwanted pregnancy, divorce, car accident, emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical abuse, death of a loved one, or any traumatic situation. The symptoms are change in personality, lack of joy, lack of interest in life, being lonely, anger, resentment, bitterness, depression, and anxiety.
You have to become intentional in healing these wounds by assessing them, cleaning them, stitching them, bandaging them and taking care of them, and being aware of trigger points.
I am super excited to present Lesa Henderson to my readers.
Lesa Henderson is a dynamic, candid, inspirational speaker, minister, author, and filmmaker.
Her transparency and straightforward approach coupled with prophetic insight place her in great demand for conferences and churches.
Her passion for Christ and desire to see wounded women restored and healed through the power and love of God comes across in her books, blogs, sermons, and teaching. It has also led her to minister healing for soul wounds & emotional trauma of women in prison, as well as to lead Women Warriors of God Conferences around the nation; where she and the Warrior’s team are seeing countless women set free both physically and emotionally.
Lesa and her husband, Ken are revivalists who pastor Salt Life Church on Merritt Island, FL, where they also lead Cornerstone Global Ministries & Media and are the founders of Cornerstone School of Supernatural Ministry.
Lesa, a pleasure to have you. There is so much I want to ask you. Let’s start by talking about Christmas. I am a big fan of focusing on His Presence rather than presents. How is Christmas relevant to us in the 21st Century?
I’m a big fan of focusing on that as well. We live in such a commercialized, material world that it’s easy to lose that focus and get caught up in the shopping, spending madness. This year we are celebrating Hannukah as well as Christmas, each night we light a candle we focus on inviting Christ – the light of the world to be a light in our home and lives. Whatever you celebrate, it’s relevant when you make the focus be on Christ. Especially now in this economy and the times we are living in. It’s actually more relevant than ever I believe as we approach His soon return.
The world is hurting. COVID 19 has exacerbated the situation. You talk about giving your hurts, pains, and brokenness to God. Walk me through this process? Should I just read my Bible, trust God and pray about it?
Yes. It is that simple. And yet as simple as this is – we struggle doing it. Or at least I do. It’s much easier for me to worry, fret and lose sleep over the hurts and pains. But God really does want us to bring them to Him. And reading the Word is one of the key steps in the process for me. It reminds me of the truth – His Word is truth. It helps me to overcome the fear and lies I am believing. It reminds me of His faithfulness. In my prayer time, I’m very honest with God – He knows anyway, so for example I may say, “Father I’m feeling right now like you don’t hear me or care about ________, but I know that’s not true. Your word says ______, Help me to stand on that and trust you. Help my unbelief and rest in your promise and faithfulness.” I may have to do this repetitively until I find peace or the problem is solved.
As I get older, I am learning to embrace pain, suffering, and disappointment. It is hard but important. As I read your blog and book, listen to your sermons and teaching, your DNA is all about helping wounded women through the love of God. Where do the wounds come from and how does His love restore women?
Wounds come from many areas, childhood traumas, broken relationships, marriage, even church. But what I’ve found through ministering to thousands of women is that almost all wounds begin in our childhood. The enemy starts early with his attack on us and he knows if he can plant lies in our mind about who we are (our identity) or about what we believe about our heavenly father we will carry those lies with us into relationships and they will hinder our walk with God. But the Love of God is so powerful. When we have a full revelation of the Father’s love for us, of how much He really is a good, good father it changes us. It heals us. I do a teaching on how daddy wounds from our childhood affect our relationship with God and the ability to believe how deeply He loves us and accept that love.
Give my female audience practical tips on motherhood and being a wife?
First, know or learn your worth as a daughter of the king. This will translate to how you treat your children and husband and how you expect to be treated. Keep your relationship with God first, your husband next, and then your children. Give yourself grace. You’re not perfect and you’re not going to be. When you make mistakes with your children ( and you will) admit it to them and ask their forgiveness. This will not make you look small in their eyes – the contrary is true. Honor your husband. Honor and respect are very important to men. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Time spent with your husband and kids is far more important than the things you buy them or how clean your house is. I could go on and on…not from a seat of expertise but from one of failures and wisdom gained.
My daughter will be turning 18 very soon. She comes to you for dating advice. Help me understand what you will tell her and why? And please include dating advice for women in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s?
I would tell your daughter something I said earlier, “Know or discover your worth as a daughter of the King. Don’t date anyone who doesn’t also see that and treat you accordingly.” Don’t go looking for a date but let God bring Him to you. And here’s something I recommend to all women dating – get inner healing (healing for soul wounds or childhood trauma). This will help you make better decisions on who to date and will help prevent you from dating or marrying the same mistake in different skin over and over again. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
You were the producer, executive producer, and director of Hope Has A Name. What is it about? Why should we watch it? And please give my audience hope for 2022?
Hope Has A Name is an award-winning documentary about women around the world bringing extraordinary hope in unlikely places. They are hidden heroes, not doing what they do not for a platform or platitudes but simply to bring hope to the hopeless through the love of God. There are some pretty amazing women including Heidi Baker featured in the film. And we are honored to have the endorsement of Lisa Bevere. Watch it and it will encourage you to stop making excuses and do something! It’s available on Amazon Prime and Tubi and many other outlets.
The Hope for 2022 is Jesus. His name is the hope of the nations. Jesus Is King. He is still on the throne and heaven has not been taken over by Hell. Our trust and confidence must remain in Him. No matter what is yet to come, He will take us through. He is a sure foundation.
Help me understand the premise of your book Someone To Trust. Is there really such a thing as romance? Or it was created in the liberal halls of Hollywood with unrealistic expectations?
Someone To Trust is a Christian Contemporary romance based around finding love and forgiveness after betrayal. The Heroine, Megan has been betrayed twice in her life, by the men she loved. She has been presented the opportunity to love again, but she first has to get past her mistrust of men, find forgiveness for them and herself. And, most importantly accept the love and grace of her Heavenly father offers. Someone To Trust is now available both in print and Kindle Unlimited.
I want to ask you about how do you balance being an author, filmmaker, wife, mother, speaking at conferences, and taking care of the women in your congregation?
Hah! Good question, when I figure that out, I’ll get back to you. Just kidding, sort of. It’s often a juggling event and I often end up dropping the ball. I have to really pray and seek guidance as to what my focus needs to be on the most in the season. It is also about stopping for the one. The one in front of you, I try to practice that. This enables me to help the women in my congregation who are needing my attention. Two things that help me balance is keeping my relationship and personal time with God a priority! If that is comprised, everything else is and I’m a mess. The second is keeping my family a priority above all the other endeavors. His grace is truly sufficient and I find His strength really is made perfect in my weakness.